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Taxi way light too dim at KPSP

ATCS Radar

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G'day there, 


The control panel will only effect the REL's - the taxiway lights use a different method that is locked in. Just to verify - check out this shot for reference (from the perimeter fence) to ensure yours look the same, if not it might be worth playing with your graphic card texture/mip-maps/AA settings as these will have the biggest impact. 




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Since installing KPSP Palm Springs I have noticed that the taxiway lighting and REL's are extremely dim. I have turned the Control Panel up to 100% but still no improvement. Is it just me?

If Jarrads´ recommendation do not help ... are you describing this phenomen here?  


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OK now that that has been addressed, how about the taxiway and runway markings? The yellow line and white lines on the centerline RW all appear black when illuminated by the landing or taxi lights of and aircraft. And yes I have disabled AEC for PSP and BNG. Also tried it with numerous aircraft and same issue. Thanks for all you help in these problems.

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G'day ATCS,


Are you running DX10 mode by any chance? If so, make sure your copy of Steve's Fixer is up-to-date, earlier versions of the fixer (and DX10 mode without the fixer) will present this problem. 


Attached a quick screengrab of how it should look - results are the same in DX9 and DX10 mode. 






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  • 1 year later...

Has this problem been solved?  I am running FSX and have light intensity at 100%, my runway markings look the same as above and my taxi lights are very dim especially the PAPI lights. I see that there has never been a patch for KPSP

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