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fsx does not want to shut down


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After running FSX and shutting it down. If I try to open FTX Central or even

try to start FSX again I get a message that "FSX is already running"

Even though FSX is not running the only way to start FSX again or access

FTX central I have to reboot my computer.

I have checked with Task Manager and FSX is definitely not running.

Rebooting everytime is becoming a pain.

Anybody have any suggestions for a fix for this problem??



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What other add-ons are you using? Have you got any modules set to auto-run with FSX?

I sometimes get this when I have other FSX-related files open whilst tinkering/tweaking. In my case, however, it's usually the DX10 Config Tool (Fixer) that complains if it finds FSX still locked by some other process - I can't say I've ever had it happen with FTX Central.


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Hi spinker,


This is quite normal behaviour for FSX, particularly if you are using the Vista or Win7's Aero / glass desktop, the time it takes to close FSX properly, and revert back from Basic Desktop to Aero/glass can sometimes take up to 8 seconds. If you try then to open a critical component such as FTXCentral before this process has completed you will get a warning dialog from FTXCentral complaining that FSX is still running.


Example: I tried to replicate the error by opening FTXC quickly after shutting down FSX and got this dialog.



How quickly after you shutdown FSX are you then restarting FSX or trying to open FTXCentral?


Try waiting just a little bit longer, at least until the desktop taskbar has ejected the FSX icon and reverted from basic to Aero/glass. The FTXC warning dialog itself wont prevent FSX or FTXC from operation close the dialog with OK button and try again after a few more seconds, you should also be able to restart FSX after a 10 second interval from shutdown.


For those of us who are running SHADE, we usually have to wait for ( unloading Shade ) processes to complete. This gives an even longer interval between FSX shutdown, and any other activity such as opening FTXCentral.

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This may or may not help, but I seem to remember a script that you could set to run via FSUIPC that would run a cmd to re-start Aero (as FSX automatically disables it on startup). There was some discussion as to whether it was a good thing to do (with Aero being quite resource hungry) but it may help in your situation when closing FSX.



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Hey there Adam,


If I remember correctly it was in Kostas guide, about how to keep Aero active instead of going into basic mode. 


Using a registered copy of FSUIPC4  create batchfile (RUN command) activated by fsuipc.ini - stopping & starting uxsms with a string of code added to the  fsuipc.ini - FSUIPC silently manages uxsms and the Aero desktop when FSX is started - keeping Aero active while FSX is running, the effect is not having to wait for Aero to be restarted, which can sometimes delay FSX from completing its exit proceedures.


I tried it out once before but had problems then going from Fullscreen mode to Windowed mode using (ALT+Enter) keys. Always ended in simlock or black screen for me. I don't use it anymore for that reason, preferring to wait just a little longer for the (old lady ( FSX) to cross the street before lighting up the tyres so to speak.

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Yep - thanks for that, Jeff. I remember now that I ran it for a while when editing the DX10 How-To guide - mainly to see if it had any adverse effects (on my system at least). Though it didn't do any harm, it didn't do anything either - as I don't run an Aero desktop anyway.


I'm not entirely sure whether that script runs Aero as much. I got the impression that it simply restarts your default desktop - whatever that happens to be. If it's Aero, it will re-enable it (as FSX has turned it off), but it it's anything else, I think it just reloads that - rather than load Aero. I certainly didn't get long pauses as Aero (if that's what it was) unloads after quitting FSX. Does all this make sense? :lol:


Love your analogy, BTW!



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Ta Adam

That all makes sense now, apart from the Aero Desktop remaining inplace there were no real benefits I could detect.

Heres another analogy, hope you like, the old lady FSX still has most of her teeth so no need to chop up her food, its just takes a little longer.


Back now to the OP's (spinker) question, forgive my messing about with analogys but FSX needs to be treated gently, just like a fiesty little old lady.

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Thanks for all your replies.

I use FSX exclusively, no shade,No DX10

The FSX still running seems to last almost permantly, until I re-boot the computer.

Not sure I understand "aero"

I have FSUIPC4, I will try some of your suggestions with FSUIPC4.

Thanks for all your suggestions.


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Hi spinker,

Firstly this would appear not to be related to ORBX software Payware support, but might be best relocated to the Tips & tricks or General discussion forum.


Just been researching around the web on your issue. It would seem to be an old chesnut going back to 2007 days. There are a few discussion threads around the FS forums on the issue, all with varied & wide ranging advice. None that I have read so far have a definitive answer pointing directly at the culprit. Including what has advised about waiting for FSX to complete its exit processes and return the Desktop to Aero/ glass in Vista and Win7


Some of the advice pointed to unseated Hardware & bad/unstable Overclocks. Others pointed to an addon not properly implemented either directly incompatible or not configured within FSX.exe. Some pointed toward a faulty module or .dll file, others pointed towards flight simulator autostart utilities, that shutdown MS services before starting FSX, and attempt to restart these services when FSX is closed.

FS Autostart & Altracity PC are just 2 mentioned.


Some suggested renaming your FSX.cfg, forcing FSX to rebuild a fresh FSX.cfg allowing the user to re-implement the [Trusted] files again clicking yes to each dialog upon FSX restart.

Others suggestions including everything under the sun, updating the video driver for your graphics card ( your sig shows a GTX570 using driver v260.99). FSX repair and FSX reinstall were also mentioned (this is entirely up to you).


In your original post #1 you mentioned that you checked in the "Task Manager"  and  FSX was not running (FSX.exe) process), forcing you to Reboot the PC.

What I am wondering is, the location for your FSX install in your Sig shows a (480Gb SSDDrive E:) have you updated the firmware for that drive & does the drive have much free space left on it.

Also wether you installed for all users or just your yourself, as (Administrator) user account. Have you given all admin permissions to the FSX installation folders including any FS utilities residing elsewhere in your system (ie; a flightplanner or other FS program installed on the C: drive Program Files (x86) folder.


Also what happens if you just Log out & Log back in instead of Rebooting,  (will FSX restart behave correctly doing this)

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