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Uninstalling all ORBX scenery


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May I add this related question.

The line from the same FAQ item:-

"- Browse to (FSX/P3D)\Scenery\World\Scenery and delete any ORBX/NRM/PFJ/PNW/EU/NZ.. titled files"

This implies other files after the ... but I'm not sure what they might be.

I have attached (I hope!) a screenshot of my FSX\Scenery\World\Scenery folder (small) in case you can say if there are any files to remove?

Thanks again



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Don't worry about the files, they are all for regions that you don't have.


If you wish, you can delete the top three elevation adjustment files, even

though they are inactive.

I doubt if you need Traffic_Cardiff.bgl or Traffic_Cardiff_P3D.bgl.


All the other files are default FSX.

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Well I do have all the UK regions, which at least gave me Cardiff airport with Wales. So the others may be relevant.

I will delete the five you mention.


I am uninstalling to reinstall on another drive, which is where it all should have gone in the first place.

I installed on an SSD thinking the scenery needed the speed, but I don't have the space for it all there - and with more to come.

Thanks again



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Sorry to come back about this one.

My intention in uninstalling all of FTX was to re-install it on a second, larger, drive.

But now I try (first with Global) there seems no option to choose where it goes!

Is that correct or is there a way to direct to drive e: rather the current Windows FSX drive c:?


Thanks again


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Sorry to come back about this one.

My intention in uninstalling all of FTX was to re-install it on a second, larger, drive.

But now I try (first with Global) there seems no option to choose where it goes!

Is that correct or is there a way to direct to drive e: rather the current Windows FSX drive c:?


Thanks again



Hi Nigel,

Installation of FTX Global base is linked to the installation of FSX. If you want to move FTX to another drive, you have to move FSX (uninstall and install) first.

Of course, you can do junction links if you need absolutely keep FSX on the initial drive but that can mess up your rig in the future in case you install new addons.

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Thanks for that. That's a blow!

I have just a 120GB SSD for Windows and FSX is in that.

You say FTX Global, because I was talking of Global. But I guess that applies to all FTX,  that it will all go where FSX is.


OK back to the drawing board!



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Hello Nigel,


There is no need to uninstall and reinstall but


in a nutshell, you must tell the FTX installers where to put the files.


I did make a guide for those who wish to do as you are.




I also posted this in another answer which may help.

The installer looks ONLY at the registry entry.


With thanks to Ed, these are the locations of the registry entries


In a 64 bit system, the registry for entries can be found under


FSX: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator]

P3Dv1: â€‹[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\LockheedMartin\Prepar3D]

P3Dv2: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2]


32 bit systems will be 


FSX: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator]

P3Dv1: â€‹[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\LockheedMartin\Prepar3D]

P3Dv2: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2]


Within each location there will be a specific path to the FSX, P3D v1 or P3Dv2 root folder

and it is this path that the installer will follow.

This is not unique to FTX by any means, especially where the location is vital to the correct

operation of the installed files.


If you use the registry editor to navigate to the location from the list above which is

appropriate to you, you will see that it remains as C:\*****

You can use the editor to amend this to E:\******, making absolutely sure that

the rest of the path accurately points to your new installation.

The installer will then do as you want it to.


and this



As you would in Windows File Explorer, using the left hand window pane, navigate to


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Microsoft Games\Flight Simulator\10.0


In the right hand window pane you should now see




Right click on SetupPath and you will see this




Left click on Modify


and you will see this




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Just in case you install FSX/P3D new then don't install them into the standard "Program Files (x86)" folder! This folder is treated by Windows with more security which is hindering sometimes the proper run of the FS and/or add-ons.


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OK lots of info there thanks  Nick, Richard and spirit_66.


Nick - if I modify the c: to e: to install FTX to e:, will I need to change it back so as FSX will work?


I'm wondering if I mightn't be wise to re-install FSX on the larger (disk) drive - but I lose the speed benefit of the SSD - maybe not a question to ask here.


Hopefully I can do one or the other, as I've just laid out for OpenLC-Europe and all the NA regions!




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You should, I think put the whole of FSX onto your larger drive.

If you haven't already uninstalled it, the guide explains how you

can simply copy it to the larger drive and amend the registry

entries to reflect what you have done.


You cannot successfully install FTX products to anywhere else

than the FSX root folder.

Yes, there are ways to install them elsewhere and then link them back to

the SSD BUT as soon as FSX starts to access files that are

not on an SSD, it slows down to HDD speed and any advantage

is therefore lost.


Other than a small decrease in loading time, there is little advantage

to having FSX on an SSD in any case.

Even the most vocal advocates who can afford enough SSD space

for everything do not claim that it works any better once it is loaded.


You have already taken best advantage of your SSD by using it for

your operating system.

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By all means.

The only downside of un- and re-installing FSX, other than

the very long time it takes, is that to properly uninstall it

requires the removal of all registry entries which in turn

requires re-activating it with Microsoft.


The registry edit really is that simple, which is why my

guide is really quite short.

You must choose the best way for yourself.


Good luck.


For future reference, if you had included in the title or the first

post of this topic what your intention was, more relevant advice

might have been forthcoming earlier.

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Nick et al

I have followed yours (Nick) instructions and amazingly it seems to have worked!

Not surprised about your instructions, more that I managed it without making a mistake!

I've yet to spend time with it to make sure and reinstall/install FTX Glogal, regions and airports.

But it feels like I am moving forward again.

Thanks to all concerned.



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Just to say it as all gone swimmingly (or should that be flyingly!).

I have now reinstalled the 3 Global items (base, vector and LC), England and one airport (and of course the libs finally!)

It all seems to be hanging together well.

My add-ons Ultimate Traffic2 and Active Sky needed a little adjustment as they were in the FSX folder and had kept their reference to the original location.

UT2 I had advice and made the change. ASN I am still waiting for someone on that forum to help me.


Regards and thanks


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Sorry to prolong this thread, but things have started going wrong. I'm not sure if they are related to what I did here?

As you may remember I moved FSX to my larger drive and then reinstalled the ORBX scenery.

I did a 'check flight' of about 15 mins from EKGA just to check at each stage that it still worked.

I installed everything including the new (and newly added) open LC Europe.

Each 'check flight' with each ORBX item added showed everything looked good.


But since then I have flown for longer, still from EGKA and at around about 20-25 mins in I get a program crash (repeatable)!

Before I have had only had one "in ablue moon" with this computer (I was plagued with them on the old PC!)

But now they have returned and it is very disappointing - when I was making the changes to improve on what I had and it has backfired!

I am wondering if there is something in open LC Europe which is bringing it down, as I didn't have that installed at all before the move.

Or if, despite the contrary idea, with FSX installed on the SSD it was avoiding the problem.


Any thoughts would be very welcome as it is very depressing to be back in the situation I had with the old PC!



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I have yet to fly again and read the error displayed.

But in the mean time I have noted the following from the application event log.

They mean nothing to you but perhaps someone can draw something useful from them.


Application error

Faulting application name: fsx.exe, version: 10.0.61637.0, time stamp: 0x46fadb14
Faulting module name: g3d.dll, version: 10.0.61637.0, time stamp: 0x46fadb58
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x000ba79f
Faulting process ID: 0x12e4
Faulting application start time: 0x01d016cecee3c98d
Faulting application path: E:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\fsx.exe
Faulting module path: E:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\g3d.dll
Report ID: 686a9878-82c6-11e4-832a-68172988cc27
Faulting package full name:
Faulting package-relative application ID:


Windows error reporting


Fault bucket 557280854, type 1
Event Name: APPCRASH
Response: Not available
Cab Id: 0

Problem signature:
P1: fsx.exe
P2: 10.0.61637.0
P3: 46fadb14
P4: g3d.dll
P5: 10.0.61637.0
P6: 46fadb58
P7: c0000005
P8: 000ba79f

Attached files:

These files may be available here:

Analysis symbol:
Rechecking for solution: 0
Report ID: 686a9878-82c6-11e4-832a-68172988cc27
Report Status: 0
Hashed bucket: ab83d5ffe8437e82a463a592b3e9e15c



Activation context generation failed for "E:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Modules\FSUIPC4.dll". Dependent Assembly Microsoft.FlightSimulator.SimConnect ,processorArchitecture="x86",publicKeyToken="67c7c14424d61b5b",type="win32",version="10.0.61245.0" could not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis.



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That seems to have cracked it! You're a gem!

I had a 35 minute flight yesterday with no problems, although it was night. Then today a good 50 minute flight, also with no program crashes. Previously it would have crashed at least 3 times in that duration.

I had some idea from the log that it might be FSUIPC, but I also thought it could be a 100 other things too!


I do note however (some people are never satisfied!) that I now get a lot of 'popping' textures close to me e.g., 'bue lakes' that suddenly become green fields and other such, even right under me on approach.

However I was part way thru' 'tuning' FSX (according to http://www.simforums.com/forums/the-fsx-computer-system-the-bible-by-nickn_topic46211.html)before I moved it to the hard drive. So maybe completing the tuning will sort that out.


Thanks again


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Thanks for that, but it didn't make any difference (see the snapshots)

I believe I followed the instructions.

At the Step 3 I selected Global and then Apply, and then selected Europe and then Apply. I have just the two icons in FTX Central.

Snaps taken in sequence over about a minute.







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  • 6 months later...

I just wanted to re-check on the original theme of this (my) thread.

Does Orbx scenery have to be on the same drive as FSX (Steam)?


I have just moved up to a new PC with:-

512GB Solid State Drive, 500GB Solid State Drive and a 2000GB SSHD Hybrid Drive.

I am proposing to put FSX (Steam) and ORBX on the 2TB drive and maybe I can load any aircraft on the second SSD,

I could use the SSD for it all, but I think I may run out of space as I add more scenery regions. Then I'd have to reinstall it all on the larger drive!




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Wherever you put Steam, the file structure should be

Steam\steamapps\common\FSX and the ORBX folder

must be inside the FSX folder.


I think I agree with your idea of installing FSX Steam onto the SSHD,

there is little advantage in having FSX on an SSD other than

slightly quicker loading times.


Aircraft only load once and then FSX doesn't read the files again

so again little advantage in having them on an SSD either.

The time you have to wait for the aircraft menu to appear is governed by

the number you have installed to a much greater extent than the speed of

the drive that they are on.


It would then beg the question of what to do with the second SSD though and

for that matter the probably large amount of space left on your C drive.


It's a good conundrum to be faced with though.

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Thanks Nick,


You have helped me before and I thank you for your advice again.

Yes the second SSD will be largely unused, at least as far as FSX goes. But I have bought X-Plane 10 (in the recent Steam sale) and maybe will also get Prepar3d (reckless fool that I am!) and perhaps they can make use of it.




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