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John York

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I was flying from Streaky Bay to Port Lincoln.  I always fly at the time it is in England and so having done my chores took off at 3pm.  What I didn't realise of course was what that time was in Southern Australia and as I approached the destination, to my consternation, the light deteriorated.  I hate trying to find an unknown runway in the dark but this time it was worth it I think.  Here are some shots I took as I approached.  Hope you like them;

I found the runway but it took me a time to get down because I found I was flying past it before I saw it!

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Anyway, I landed safely which was nice because I find if the approach is a bit shallow its a bitch to see over the nose in the Marchetti even with the seat raised. ;D


Thank you Image Shack

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Great shots John!  I had a similar experience (landed in the dark) yesterday on the next leg of my flight.. I'll post the pics shortly.  As for seeing over the nose, I find that if I trim for 90kts with full flap and use throttle to control the descent rate, I can see the runway quite well.  In other aircraft (particularly taildraggers) I find that a periodical "S" turn to have a look on approach helps a lot..

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Thanks fellers. 

Yes Divad, I don't have a problem with most aircraft, it's only this Marchetti.  Tail draggers are easier to land of course 'cos you get on the glide slope and just keep coming rather like the jets,  but with this one, especially when using IFR, they often get you quite low for the approach so the glide slope tends to be shallow.  I get over it by leaving a shorter distance before I start losing height but that often means I can't see the runway until I'm closer in which rather defeats the object!  Anyway, I usually get it down on the surface somehow without breaking anything.

Look forward to seeing your pictures soon.


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