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No Fall in Seasons [FTX SCO, ENG]


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I'm not sure where to go so I will post here ... I having problems with no fall.  I was flying in Scotland and I had fall scenery ... then I went to England and the trees are green.  I went to different months to see if the seasons changed ... I got winter ... but not fall ... anyone know what is going on?

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Hi there,


I often wonder why ACES decided to include the seasons switcher given that it's both inaccurate and confusing. All it does is pick a fixed date but whether that translates into the chosen season being displayed at the user aircraft's location is not certain at all. The seasons control file in FSX/P3D work on a monthly temporal resolution and a spatial resolution of ~1.5 sq km; for more information see http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/18695-pnw-textures/?p=162697


In any case I've checked the custom seasons control file for ENG and SCO and selecting a day in October should give you fall season variants throughout the UK except for the highest mountains. 


Cheers, Holger

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It's the same all over the world where ever I go the trees are green and it's summer even though the sim is set for fall.  I when back to the month of October and the tree where still green.... I was flying in N.E. Ohio and all green when before I had the fall colors all over the world ... I'm not sure I am understanding what you are saying ...

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Hi there,


what I was trying to explain is that one does not set a season, all that season selector does is pick a fixed date (for fall it's November 6th, I believe) but it has no knowledge of nor influence on what the active seasonal variant of the ground and autogen textures are going to be at that location and date. Thus, if you don't see the expected textures then your best bet is to move the date forward or backwards a month or two.


Cheers, Holger

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