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I can finally ENJOY FSX! Thank You!!!


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I Just wanted to thank all of the developers for the FTX AU regions and add-on airports! Until now, I was a die-hard FS9 user, however I decided to try FSX once more, and, with the help of these add-ons, I am actually seeing the beauty that FSX is capable of having. Last night, I had THE MOST enjoyable FSX flight I've ever had... a short hop in the F1 Mustang from YMAV to YMLT and back! I really must commend everyone on the Orbx team for a job very well done! I never really spent time flying in Australia, until now, and I am positively hooked on it!

I've purchased all 4 of the zones and all of the airport add-ons you've produced, thus far, and I have to say that I'll be spending quite a bit of time exploring the continent!

I eagerly await any and all future airports you choose to create and I also look forward to FTX NA!

Many thanks again!


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Welcome to the forum Greg!

Another happy camper, glad to hear you made the leap of faith from FS9 mate, there's a lot of simmers out there who dont know what their missing!  ;)


Thaniks for the warm welcome, guys!

I must say I haven't given up FS9 completely.. I still prefer it for long-hauls, but for GA flying, I am having a blast with FSX and FTX!

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G'day Greg,

Warning - this forum is habit forming due to the fine products, the fine people and the excellent service. You have described my similar experience with FSX/FS9, and although I get every  FTX product as soon as it hits the street I still fly FS9 with VOZ 1.8, as often as time on this forum permits  :D

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I too am a convert of late and am enjoying FSX like you would not believe. ;D

to the point that last night I completely removed FS9 and all the accumulated stuff I had downloaded over the years.

I will be very careful in what I install for FSX so as not to clog it up.....I think this is something we should all be aware of

Think about this..........

The reason so many people have not switched (I think) is due to all the publicity given to the idea that it was a dog and would not run on low to medium computers, and then there was Vista (enough said about that OS).

So many, (like me) were scared to even try it.

Then I saw it on a friends machine which had similar specs to mine and I was amazed.

I just had to give it a go.......and I have not looked back.

I have the greatest respect for John Venema who started this flightsim revolution with VOZ, and who has built a team of other dedicated

developers to turn the world of flightsim on it's head.

Thank you guy's for re-newing my interest in Flight Sim with your wonderful addons.

Regards to you all.

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Yep I can actually get FSX running as good if not better than FS9 on my machine (specs below).

My FSX flights are so much smoother & that is with FTX, REX (2048 DXT5 clouds) and reasonable settings for autogen & traffic etc. 

So I now only fly in AUS (well until FTX PNW is released) & always low & slow to view the incredible scenery of FTX which has transformed Flightsim for ever that is for sure.

Glad to see others here making the switch and discovering the beauty of FSX & FTX...:)

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Yes FTX changes everything. I never tire of it and am always amazed each time I fire up the sim at just how good it is. I also am careful as to what extras I install because I don't want to mess up FTX...but that has always been the case even before FTX. Some add-ons just seem to muck up the whole works.

                                                                  Welcome and enjoy

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Welcome to the addiction Greg.  We do what we can to spread the Orbx word around.  They have transformed simming and i'll do my best to ensure they are around for a long while yet...

Cheers and enjoy the madness  :D

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Vista doesn't seem to enjoy a good reputation, yet those who use it, expecially the 64x version seem very happy with it. 

As for FSX, the only real criticism I have of it over FS9 is the scenery pop-up system it uses as opposed to, in my view, the more natural roll out we had in FS9.  And I certainly wish that had been retained.  On the plus side, it is a hugely more powerful engine allowing far greater flexibility in its use and the 'bigger' your computer gets, FSX can grow with it if you see what I mean.

Anyway, I join the others in extending my warmest welcome to both of you to the FSX/FTX community.


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Welcome Greg. Glad to see you enjoying it so much. Just in case you didn't know but there are also a lot of freeware airfields for Australia over at AussieX. You can grab them from the link below  :)


Snagged'em and installed them all the same day I installed the FTX regions! But thanks anyway, Hugh! ;D

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Welcome to FSX / ORBX world Greg .

This will test the strength of your marriage / relationship .

You can always blame John Venema ...

Good luck .

Hehehehehe... fortunately, my wife fully supports my simming! Weekends, we fly together in real life (we have a Cirrus SR22) and weeknights, I fly in the sim!

Besides.. she is addicted to playing games on her iPhone, so we each have our little vices! Works out quite well!

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