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FTX EU ENG Installation failed


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I have bought the FTX EU England (ORB-712) terrain, downloaded twice from different server (global and German), succesfully unzipped but wasn't able to install it. Got several times the same error.

Here you are the error screenshot...Pls Help!


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Hi Vespa,


and that's the C drive, correct, because that's where the unwrapper places the content prior to installation.


When you search the forum for "error writing to file" all of the resolved cases are either insufficient HD space or a corrupt download. User Access Control or Antivirus protection can also be a factor so make sure they are temporarily deactivated.


Perhaps check the folder size again into which you extracted the FTX EU parts; right-clicking on it and Properties > General should list a total size of 3.50 GB (3,766,131,951 bytes). You'd need another 5GB or so on C drive for the installation.


Cheers, Holger

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