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Grass in lake Geneva near Lausanne (LSGL)


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Dear Wolter,


Many thanks for the advice. I do not have FTX regions and, as a consequence, always fly with FTX Global ticked (no other option anyway in FTX Central).


In my library, I have all the Open LC EU Sceneries placed above FTX Global (and Vector well below) but below Orbxlibs and France True Landscape (my only other addon to keep rivers in France with FTLC LC files deleted to enjoy Open LC Textures) which rank respectively 1 and 2 from the top. My mesh sceneries (FS Global and next mesh france and europe) are just below FTX Global. 


To summarize, the order is the following (from top to bottom):


Rank 1      Orbx libs

Rank 2      France True Landscape

Rank 3-13 Open LC EU files

Rank 14    FTX Global

Rank 15-16 Next Mesh 4,75 Europe and France

Rank 17   FS Global

Rank 40-42   FTX Vector (except AEC)

and just above last row down: Vector AEC


The shot I have posted is particular as it placed at the border of Switzerland and France (middle of the lac) and I wondered if this was not a conflict with FTLC (who handles France while Open LC handles Switzerland), I have therefore tried to uncheck FTLC in the library but the problem is still there.


As per your advice, I will try to place an insertion top (other addon) between orbxlibs/fltc and Open LC EU to see if it works.


Any other suggestion ?


Many thanks for your time and support


Patrick, Geneva, Switzerland

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