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Freeware Airports Pack 17 - KSHR KEDC CYXJ - issues

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Hi Guys and thankyou for the latest series of freeware airports for FTXG. Once again all well received and greatly appreciated.

There were a few issues noticed around 3 of the Airports though. KEDC, KSWI, CYXJ.

My Mesh res is 5m texture res is 7cm, Agen Density=Extremely Dense, Scenery Complexity=Very High

LOD Radius 6.5


KEDC - Austin Executive - had some morphing/shifting texture between Rwy 31 and Rwy 34 moving with aircraft. No AEC adj was suggested for this field.









KSWI - Sheridan Co - has some elevation issues for the entire field,  I do not use a 3rd party mesh product nor do I have FTXG Vector. No AEC adj was suggested for this field.







CYXJ - Ft St John - there is a single shrub on the apron taxiway.


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Hi Jeff,


I just went to KEDC and I also saw textures morphing so I'll have to go back in and see what's happening.  Thanks for pointing this out. 


As for Sheridan Co, KSHR, ensure that AEC is enabled, not disabled.  I loaded FSX, went to KSHR, and it looked normal.  I then shut down FSX, disabled the AEC in the Vector Configuration Tool, and saw exactly what you see.  Would you check your AEC settings and let me know?


Are there issues with KSWI?


Thanks again,


Safe Flyin'


Rod Beck

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Thanks Rod,


Appreciate you having a look, correct me if I'm wrong but me not having GlobalVector,  I can't use the AEC tool to adjust airport elevations in eg; KSHR. :unsure:

I have FTXGlobalBase which by my understanding will display textures correctly upon default elevations for all FTXGlobal airports, using the default FSX Mesh in Global or Hybrid mode. The AEC tool is then used for those customers who have enhanced their Mesh with FSGenesis or FSGlobal2010/ultimate and FTXGlobal Vector where noted elevations are needed. In the case of KSHR Sheridan Co it is the only FTXGlobal freeware airport for me, that has an tarmac elevation above ground level out of all 17 American packs, 4 EU packs, 2 German airports, there was one that had a river elevation running through CYHY Hay River AP but I put that down to not having a better Mesh product installed.

I have my mesh set to the standard Res of 5m for most FTX airports and Region scenery.


I checked KSWI - Sherman Muni - just to be sure could see no problems over there all looks fine. It was a typo in the topic title KSHR was what I was supposed to type but for some reason got conbobulated and typed KSWI instead.


As for the shrub on the apron at Larry's CYXJ its not a biggie, I'll just drive around it, the amount of work to remove one tree object could be prohibitive.

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Hi Jeff,


Thanks for getting back with me this soon.  Sorry, I re-read your post and noticed you don't have Vector.  And you're correct, you wouldn't have the Config Tool if you don't have FTX Vector.  I'm going to ask some experts (devs) I know and let you know what I find out.  Of course, someone might jump in here and give both of us the solution soon.  I'd sure like to know the reason for this also.  I know another person who checked KSHR and it was fine on his system.  


I'm sure Larry will get rid of the bush.  All he needs is a good chain saw, and it should be gone in no time...ha.


Thanks for checking KSWI.  The reason I asked is in your original post you stated an issue there, but I think you meant KSHR.


Thanks again, and Safe Flyin'



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Hi Jeff,


I've taken a look at the issues you note here and I can't duplicate any of them.  KEDC has no morphing textures, KSHW is flat across the whole airport and that elusive bush does not show up.  I have Global and Vector installed but no 3rd party mesh.  I'd suggest you recycle FTX Central between NA and back to Global since you have both maybe that will straighten things out. Beyond that your issue may be your Scenery Library entries may be causing problems but I don't have the expertize to suggest changes.


Cheers, Neil

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Regarding the Shrub at Fort St. John. I Can"t reproduce that with the default or with UTX enabled. I know I had one just off the runway at Fort McMurray and they are impossible to remove. Exclusions don"t work. Sorry I can"t help - It's just one of those quirks with FSX.


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Hi Neil & Larry,


First - the bush @ Larrys - CYXJ is generated by Extremely Dense Autogen settings. Eliminated by setting one notch lower to Very Dense or lower still Normal.

Second -  KEDC Austin Exec & KSHR Sheridan, can be explained by you having Global\Vector & Global\base installed, I only have Global\base. I Have cycled FTXC several times, Global \Hybrid on Hybrid off \ NA \ OCEANIA \ back to Global this does not change the elevation. I have found a solution for KSHR elevations ( ala  Rod Beck). As for the singular Shifting/Morphing texture @ KEDC I'm almost certain it is Vector related, as this seems to be the element I do not have which is different to your install.

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  • 1 month later...

I also had those elevation errors at KSHR. I found that changing FSX Display Options changed the look quite a bit. With the following settings:


Mesh Complexity     90-100
Mesh Resolution     76m
Texture Resolution     60cm


It took some time through trial and error to find numbers that finally got the Windsock up on the same plane as the runway!


I got something much for palatable. There still are depressions between the runways, but I no longer have those little cliff-like drop offs. The transitions are smooth. Perhaps the elevations do in fact change in those areas?


peter in oakland, california

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just wanted to throw my hat in this ring too.  I'm having the same issues at KSHR.   (NA Pack 17)  I know you mentioned it would be fixed in the next pack.  I also see that there is no claim that Pack 18 fixes it, so I would not expect it to be fixed yet.  I just wanted to provide feedback that I'm still experiencing it if indeed you guys think it might be fixed.


I have:

  • FTXGlobal base (FSS0276731)
  • Pacific Northwest (FSS0280947)
  • All NA Freeware packs (1-18)

Always know that I greatly appreciate what you guys are doing for us.  These airports are a lot of fun.






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