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John York

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Hi Uhu.

Yes I did, but its difficult to reach the whole width of the keyboard.  I can't stretch my fingers long enough to get from Ctrl to . or from . to + so I couldn't be really sure if I pressed them simultaneously.


PS - I've just restarted the computer and had another try. It seems to be something to do with the joystick 'repeat' control.  I've always had that bar set to the far right but I've now moved it to the centre and I think that's allowed the brake to work again on the joystick and also the '.' key.

I don't really understand it so I'll give it another go tomorrow.

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What happened to the "Ctrl" Key on the right of the keyboard just to the right and below the "." .

Sounds like there is something else assigned to the key in question. somewhere in the key and or control allocations.

There is the possibility that the key has had some type of failure internally and the Keyboard buffer in the PC see's it as being applied.

Do you have a spare keyboard you can try at all.

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You could be right Maurice.  My keyboard is quite old now by modern standards and it has had a lot of work.  However, I have to try something else this afternoon that seemed to solve the problem late yesterday but I just want to make sure.  Changing the 'repeat' key setting on the joystick control from the bar being far right to the middle seemed to work although why this should be so I have no idea because I've never changed this setting before.

Sometimes I wonder if computers have a mind of their own and think to themselves;  'Everything's going too well, what can I do to mess 'im up?'  Then they go and do something diabolical without any warning, by your leave and the rest of the well known saying! ::)


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'What happened to the "Ctrl" Key on the right of the keyboard just to the right and below the "." .'

Yes, well its working ok now with the alteration to the joystick setting.  However, I was really hoping you wouldn't mention the above Maurice. :-[  My only excuse is I'm fairly left handed and never use that key! ;);D

I know its poor but its the only thing I can think of without admitting I'd completely forgotten that key is there!  Don't get old you lot.  ::)

Oh, and to add to my problems, the b....y mouse only ran out of battery power right in the middle of my trying to tackle the brakes fault.  See what I mean about computers?  Mine is turning me into a stupid, frustrated old man....and I'm only 75! ;D


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Speaking as another stupid, frustrated and even older Brit ...[1] my  slew key has gone bonkers. Hit Y, and the aircraft spins on its own axir like a dog chasing its tail. I've recalibrated the stick and reset the Control defaults, but no joy. [2] Now my thottle has joined in the fun: power keeps fading, growing, fading again, and inside the cockpit the throttle lever or push-pull twitches in sympathy. Any clues will be most gratefully received.

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Speaking as another stupid, frustrated and even older Brit ...[1] my  slew key has gone bonkers. Hit Y, and the aircraft spins on its own axir like a dog chasing its tail. I've recalibrated the stick and reset the Control defaults, but no joy. [2] Now my thottle has joined in the fun: power keeps fading, growing, fading again, and inside the cockpit the throttle lever or push-pull twitches in sympathy. Any clues will be most gratefully received.

This has happened to me before and I found that the F key lock was on, on my multimedia keyboard, once I hit the key everything went back to normal.
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In regards to hitting the slew key and having the aircraft "go in circles",  this has to do with the way the spoiler has been assigned. If your spoiler is assigned to a dial on your joystick, try turning the assigned dial all the way in one direction or the other while in slew mode. The aircraft should stop rotating. If the spoiler is not assigned, I will have to get home from work and see how it looks in the sim before I advise, but in the meantime,  try going into assignments and turn down (to the left) the repeat setting for spoiler.

I'll check back here later.




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On the brake notes i have two problems which not sure how to correct. One is My brake light on the bottom left of the sim is alwas on even when brakes are off. Secondly when i land and get to about 40 KIAS it jumps up to 70 kias by itself. and i have to put the two breaks through the floor to stop. I am using saitek Yoke combo any suggestions would be appreciated.


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Speaking as another stupid, frustrated and even older Brit ...[1] my  slew key has gone bonkers. Hit Y, and the aircraft spins on its own axir like a dog chasing its tail. I've recalibrated the stick and reset the Control defaults, but no joy. [2] Now my thottle has joined in the fun: power keeps fading, growing, fading again, and inside the cockpit the throttle lever or push-pull twitches in sympathy. Any clues will be most gratefully received.

To get rid of the spinning in slew mode. make sure you have unassigned all the axis and buttons for your controls in slew mode, in the controllers control panel.
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