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Sumburgh Control Panel greyed out options


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Hi, I was having multiple problems with double runways, terrain raised over runways etc, so removed EGPB and ran the installer again, with FTX Europe region selected. Now all the options on the control panel are greyed out (and set as disabled) except for Nature Flow, both of which are enabled. What have I done wrong?

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OK, other option involves a bit more work but should be effective


assuming FTX Central is still set to EU


Go to => ...\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_EU and delete the EGPB folder


Go to => ...\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\Scripts and delete scenerylib_EU_EGPB.cfg also delete orbx_cpl_EGPB.xml


now in the Scripts folder there is also an exe file called FTXConfigurator.exe right-click this and select "Run as Administrator" you will not see anything happening as it is a silent application.


now open your fsX.cfg file, using Notepad, located at => C:\Users\--your name--\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX


under the section [Trusted] you should find a line :


.....\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_EU\FTX_AA_EGPB\scenery\ObjectFlow_EGPB.dll.bnqakhlibcrlzcitltwcaoqznwekaezetbwaebit=1


delete this line 


save and exit the fsX.cfg


fire up fsX and the scenery should heave gone also the CP and any other remnants of it


make sure you have the latest copy from the FSS of EGPB and the latest library files and select to install EGPB again followed by the latest library files, please make sure NOT to run installers from within the zip files, always let 'm extract to their own folder and always install with right-click and select to "Run as Administrator" this applies also for the Library files.


this should do the trick afaik

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Wolter, Thanks for that. Doing a complete clean out and re-install has fixed the Control Panel issue, and everything is now selectable


BUT I now have double runways and taxiways, about four feet above one another. Switching between sloped/unsloped runways on the Control panel makes no difference! I have been through the entire drive and removed anything that might be duplicate EGPB stuff. I've removed the Scotflight files for EGPB, and there is nothing else showing up that could be interferring..


FTX Central is set to Europe. I am running P3D v2.2. I don't appear to have these problems with any other addon airports, Orbx or otherwise. I've got EGPB alongside the other Orbx UK airports in the Scenery Library, and no problems with either of these. It feels a real mess.

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I had the same issue with that airport. The problem was with another airport being called. I don't remember exactly where the culprit was but think is was in trafficX. I'll check back and get the correct bits to delete.




TrafficX/airport facilities/Scenery/EGPB.bgl <<Change bgl to off and double runways go away.


Also I had some elevation issues which cleared up after deleting some FSGenesis entries for their airports.

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Thanks for this. I had missed a Traffic 360 file which had data for EGPB. But removing it has not solved the problem. I can't see anything in the remaining files which could cause a doubling like this.


Not everything is duplicated: only the runway and taxiway markings, and some of the ground polygons and edging around those areas. The area in front of the terminal is OK. Some of the landscape immediately adjacent to the runways looks very blocky. Clearly something is interfering, and causing duplicate drawing, but up in the air 4/5ft. Not at all clear what.


Any help would be appreciated.



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Hi John,


just to test please switch to global and then back again to the EU region hitting Apply on both counts 


if the stuff is double and gives these elevation issues there must be another file active that causes this, please try and run a search on your Main fsX folder for *EGPB* and see what that brings up it should then list all files containing EGPB

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Allot of times when I get grayed out selections in the airport control panels I just go to that airports folder and delete all the things ending in off in the scenery folder. Then when I go back to the control panel all is fixed and I can select and deselect anything.  Josh



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Switching back and forth doesn't change anything.


However, I have run the 'EGPB' search (not for the first time, used it to get rid, perhaps unnecessarily, of the Traffic 360 EGPB files), and when I look I have a bunch of files like this:




Maybe I should only have the '_LM' versions? But turning them off doesn't solve the problem, either. My careful look through doesn't show any duplicate files. Are there particular files which provide some of the duplicated elements you can see in the screenshots? But why would they be a few feet off the ground?


There is one great oddity: the file ORBX_EGPB_A01_01.dds is sitting in the Lockheed Martin parent folder, not the right ORBX scenery Prepar3D folder. I didn't move it there. But moving it back into the correct folder doesn't change anything.


OK, I'm going to delete everything in the ORBX EGPB folders and run without it, then re-install EGPB for the fifth time! Is there other stuff elsewhere that I should delete? This is where a proper uninstaller for the sceneries would be very helpful, 'cos then I'd use a full-scale uninstaller like Revo to do a proper tidy up.

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OK, the problem appears to be more basic than ORBX EGPB. These two shots are with just the bog standard (or what I think is bog standard) non-ORBX Sumburgh files in place in P3D:




and a few degrees further round:




The top down view at this point is:




The BGL files in the system with 'EGPB' are:




I don't have these problems anywhere else I've visited recently.

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