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Double AI ships


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Although I am using Prepar3d V2 this is not a Prepar3d problem so I was not sure where to post it, but here goes.. I am getting double of all my AI ship traffic, one right behind the other. I have looked for dupes in the shipping but cannot find any. so it looks as if I have a dupe AI control file somewhere..What file should I be looking for please.?  Teecee.

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Hello Terry,

This can happen if you reload the scenery library or rebuild the AI during a session without turning the AI traffic off before you do that.

Go to AI traffic. Turn it all to off and make sure all traffic is at zero. Now let the sim rebuild the data. Now go back to AI and reset it to your preferred settings. Let the sim rebuild again.

Now go check and you should only see one ship now.

Stop by RTMM and post in our forums for more information on this if that doesn't help out.


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