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One Final OOM Question Before I Reinstall Everything


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I know we've been down the OOM road many times but I hope some kind soul will indulge me with a response to the OOM question one more time.

I'm not sure if what I am experiencing is normal or do I need to start from scratch with a complete reinstall?

Here is a typical situation


ORBX Northern California SP1 with FTX Central set to Nth America

PMDG 737 NGX fresh on runway KSFO  ( KSFO is whatever is included in Northern California, no addon) daytime. No key touched including EZDOK

Sliders in FSX    Autogen  Normal

Scenery Complexity  Dense

DX 10 disabled ( At the moment Steve's DX10 fixer is unavailable or I would buy)

High def 3d cockpit disabled

I have ORBX Redding, Monterey and Lake Tahoe for the Northern California region enabled.

Basically as soon as it all loads my readings are FSUIPC showing I have approx 164424 VAS remaining

Process Explorer showing approx 2549,420 used

Specs are Windows 7 64 bit Video card NVidea GTX 660 2 Gig latest driver i73770 processor 16 gig ram

Just seems I can't plan to fly any great distance with these readings.

Thanks for patience

Any help please?





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just to clear up a lil myth, VAS memory is the amount allocated to fsX by default as it is coded with a maximum, this applies with DX9, the SIM uses the CPU for it's work and thus the memory use as well, the fastre the CPU os clocked the better the performance with fsX, the graphic card hardly breaks a sweat over this, what is paramount is the used settings and tweaks some of which can be quite counterproductive at the end of the day all systems are different hence the continuous battle to get the stuff running properly what works for one doesn't cut the cheese for another.

see also my system specs, running the rig for over 3 years now and getting 30 fps all over the place with some known exceptions and no OOM's

another thing I ran into was that some add on stuff for puter tuning do change settings in the power consumption department, trying to safe energy ::)

check if all your HDD's and SSD's are set to maximum power use and don't throttle, that as this is also something that causes weird behaeviour with fsX

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I have similar hardware specs. i7K3770, overclocked to 4.3 GHz, 16 GB RAM, a GTX 770 with 2 GB, running Windows 7/64.

I don't use PMDG 737 NGX nor ORBX California, but other ORBX sceneries and don't encounter OOMs. I also have a lot of addons in the dll.xml, including FSUIPC.

There are sometimes situations, the sim has a CTD, but this was in the most recent case related to a loaded scenery, which seems corrupted. I couldn't find it so I cancelled this flight. My FSX has over 1000 scenery entries, not all active to reduce loading times. But just to show how much you can ask from this software. I also use MyTraffic 5.4b. I have some stutters sometimes, when an area is loading. Otherwise the sim works as expected.


How about trying to fly with another aircraft, e.g. default 737 to see, if the OOM happens with this? I think it may be the PMDG aircraft. Maybe a simple reinstall of this one could do it. But maybe just the combination of sceneries and aircraft are just too much for FSX. I'd also check the memory. Maybe there's a faulty module.



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Well I will try helping a little more here. If you goto the PMDG 777 forums there are many posts about OOM's.

I will cut to the chase.


If your flying from A to B and within the LOD (I will get back to LOD in a bit) you have addon airports active fsx will load them into VAS and it does not get rid of it very well.

So deactivate any airport that might get loaded on your route if you not going to use them. If its the other side of the world it does not matter.


Photo scenery loads into VAS even if your not going anywhere near it. So again turn off any photo real in your scenery.


As you do turning off hi def VC saves 100mb


If your flying a NGX or the 777, I never leave the VC, so go into the aircrafts model folder and add // of the exterior model, you don't need it and in the NGX you can still see the wings from the VC as in that view there part of the VC not the exterior model.


Last and probably the biggest culprit is LOD the "normal"  6.5 is OK unless you start pushing things. So 4.5 is "safe"


The problem is addon scenery are using more VAS and the 777 is the king of VAS. NGX is not lite, so think of it like this. One thing alone does not tip the scales but keep adding weight and it will tip over the edge.


e,g lets say you fly from KSFO to the new Orbx airport and area for NCA. So KSFO is going to take a nice chunk of you VAS, a full fat NCA another good chunk of VAS then as you get close to the new airport...how big is that? and how much of that size needs adding to you VAS, then add your aircraft, if its a GA, lol easy the NGX/777....good luck. You will need to use the above.


It seems like the 777 its pushing the envelope of the environment it's deigned to work in, as low FPS is better than OOM and I hate low FPS, hi def regions don't help, but we all what the best don't we!


IMO we are now at a point we have to look and think where we are flying to and use the above and common since as just having everything active and LOD at 6.5 or even 8.5 for photo real and some big addon aircraft =OOM.


Hope that helped?

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