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Open LC Europe and England Scotland Wales Ireland


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Pardon if this question has already been discussed. I'm all set to buy Open LC Europe. What happens to the landclass I already have included in my England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland regions? I see there is a separate Open LC Europe installer for those regions, Should I not install the Open LC Europe file for those regions as it seems like I'm doubling up or something?



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As long as Open LC EU is above your existing landclass in the scenery library it will override it, nothing more to do.

As I mentioned elsewhere I'm kind of surprised we have seen virtually no screenshots of Open LC in the UK+Ireland and so is rather conspicuous by its absence!


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As long as Open LC EU is above your existing landclass in the scenery library it will override it, nothing more to do.

As I mentioned elsewhere I'm kind of surprised we have seen virtually no screenshots of Open LC in the UK+Ireland and so is rather conspicuous by its absence!



Am a little confused as to why you would want to do this. I was of the understanding that the landclass in the Orbx regions (ie UK / Ireland) would be more detailed and accurate than the openLC areas, so I don't quite know why you would want to override it?

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I believe that FTX regions alreay include a landclass but have extra content related to custom ground polygons.

Therefore, having OPEN LC EU above the FTX regions would not give the best results.




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The installer will place the openLC entries below the FTX regions. If you have chosen FTX Global (hybrid unticked) in the FTX Central, there will be the openLC landclass + custom textures and autogen active in the UK and Ireland. If FTX Europe is chosen in FTX Central you will see the extra goodies of the FTX UK and IRL regions (increasingly sophisticated landclass, autogen, POIs, custom London scenery etc). FTX Global (hybrid ticked) is a compromise between Global/openLC and the FTX regions.


Edit: deetee, indeed there are only two openLC shots from the UK yet - a little out of area you can see them here (+ the first pic of that topic): http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/81513-openlc-eu-mediterranean-impressions-ii/?p=747577

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Pardon if this question has already been discussed. I'm all set to buy Open LC Europe. What happens to the landclass I already have included in my England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland regions? I see there is a separate Open LC Europe installer for those regions, Should I not install the Open LC Europe file for those regions as it seems like I'm doubling up or something?



Nothing happens. Open LC will only affect those areas that are NOT covered by FTX regions. So if you don't have FTX England, then Open LC will be applied there. If you DO have FTX England, then you will see no change.


As long as Open LC EU is above your existing landclass in the scenery library it will override it, nothing more to do.

This is incorrect.

Ah sorry I misread the OP and thought he meant non-Orbx landclass!

OK, now THIS is correct, I agree.

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