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FTX Installation Problem


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I currently own ORBX FTX products for Scotland, England, New Zealand North and New Zealand South.  They all installed seamlessly in FSX and work really well.  These were all bought through the flightsimstore website.


I have just purchased Prepar3d v2 and decided to install the sceneries in this sim.  However, I am having a problem.


I followed exactly the same installation procedures as I used for FSX and selected Prepar3D as the destination but as soon as I click on to agree the license details, I am presented with a screen which says:



I Radio Buttons> On Next, Line 13:Argument 2 must be of type string.  I

I                                                                                                              I

I Stack Traceback:                                                                                 I

I                                                                                                              I

I 1:[Radio Buttons> On Next] Line 13 in main chunk.                              I



Can't upload a screen shot unfortunately.


I have experienced this with the installation of both Scotland and New Zealand North.  In both instances I have had to cancel the installation as I can go no further.


Can anyone offer advice on how to overcome this problem.

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Hi Weltonboy,


of the products you mention, only England and Scotland have so far been released for P3Dv2 - you will need to go back to the FlightSimStore and re-download the installers from your account, this will give you the necessary triple installers to be able to install successfully into P3Dv2.


Both the NZ regions have not yet been updated and so do not install into P3Dv2, but note that a post today mentioned that the first of the NZ regions should be available with a triple installer by this weekend, with the other to follow soon after.


Here's a link to the forum post which keeps you informed about which regions/airpoerts etc have been made available for P3Dv2.




Hope this helps.


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I just purchased ftx global base pack for fsx and am getting this same error.

This is my order number: FSS0303859

I do not own prepR3d or whatever that is - just trying to get orbx - ftx global and eventually the pnw addon as well. I have fsx with the acceleration pack. Unfortunately I am not as computer savy as everyone else is - sorry. I have searched radio buttons on the forum for a bit but it doesn't really seem like anyone has this same exact issue. Again, just trying to get ftx global into fsx acceleration and I'm getting the radio buttons error - I get the error when it asks what game would you like to install orbx to. I have tried running the orbx exe file as administrator. I extracted the contents of the zipped file into a separate folder. What else can I say to allow someone smart to help me?

If anyone has any advice id really appreciate it. And laymans terms would certainly be preferable. Thanks a lot!

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