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stuck in global


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I switched to global hybrid mode to fly from oz to png and upon switching back to oceania in ftx central I received an unhandled exception message  I closed it and hoped ftx central would close but it said it had switched to oceania but now i am stuck in global textures because oz is no longer red around alice springs and the airport  environment sticks out like a sore thumb in the global textures.  I flushed the scenery indexes and set insertion points in ftx but that did not help. how do I fix this??

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yes I tried every thing the weird part is when I select north america or europe and then go to ybas as a test, the color is right but the roads end at the photo scenery and you can see generic buildings at the photo  real border where the photo scenery ends. that seems right. If I select global hybrid mode or oceania I get the same textures that look like NA desert and brush but with red roads continuing out from where they are placed in the photo overlay. So some how oceana textures is not being  actualy selected in ftx central when I choose it.   My next step,  I am considering uninstalling global with the uninstaller as I saved a backup like a good lad, and see if that fixes it. Unless you have some other idea that may help me.

thanx Holger.

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Hi there,


FTX Global has nothing to do with this as the custom AU textures are in a separate folder. Not even the AU textures are being directly influenced by FTX Central so it's probably one of the control files that went kaput. First thing I'd try is to install the new libraries that got released yesterday as they contain some of those control files. If that doesn't help we need to dig deeper but it should be a pretty straightforward fix.




Cheers, Holger

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You know Holger I just deleted all my orbx products and ran the repair off my fsx disks.and cleaned the registry with cc cleaner . my issue

 probably had somthing to do with my install. you see a while back something happened and all over oz there were these purple and green blocks  as if texture were missing   and I just reinstalled over the old install without deleting them first. so It is probably operator error as it were.  any way I am going to start off with a clean slate.  thank you

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