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FSX Config Question


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I know this is a bit left field but I need some advice.

I have read if I delete my fsx.cfg and restart FSX it will create a new config. Does this mean all the ORBX entries will return with all my other addon stuff in the new .cfg? Sorry to be a bother but I'm a bit of a novice when it comes to going under the hood.

Many Thanks



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I do not recommend deleting any part of FSX unless you

know what you are doing and have a good reason to do so.


It is the case that if you delete


then when you next start FSX, the file will be replaced with a

fresh default version.


As fsx.cfg contains your personal preferences, these will have been lost

but if you have been tweaking the file, all the tweaks will have been erased

as well.


All scenery whether default or third party is controlled by the scenery.cfg file

which can be found at C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX\scenery.cfg

If you delete this, it will be replaced when you next start FSX but again, with a

default version, so any addon scenery entries will be lost.

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