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ATC and taxiway sign issues at KMRY


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I've really been enjoying this beautiful airport, but I think I have found a couple of issues.


First, on more than one flight the winds have been coming generally from the west, but ATC directs me to take off and land at runway 10R.  In the latest flight the winds were at 216 deg (at 7 kts).  When I listened to the ATIS the first loop said traffic was landing/departing rwy 10R, but the next loop it said 28R.  If I kept listening, the loop would alternate between these two runways.  Ground told me to taxi to 10R.  I took off, flew around briefly and then requested to land.  Again I was told to land at 10R, even though the winds were from the west (closer to 240 deg by then).  At a previous flight when I had been told to land on 10R I could see traffic landing at the same time on 28R.  It doesn't seem correct to me.


The other issue is pretty minor.  One of the taxiway signs for taxiway "A" is labeled "K".  I noticed this just after passing the correctly labeled turnoff for "K" as I passed the hangars on the right heading for rwy 28L.  I don't have a screenshot, but it is definitely a sign for taxiway "A" that is labeled "K".  If my memory is correct, it is between the turnoffs for K and L.

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G'day Bill,


On your first point - is this happening at the start of a flight? If so, are you pre-loading the weather prior to loading the scenery (ie in the start-up menu), or are you doing it following? 


In regards to your second - this may very well be the case.. making the taxiway signs sends me cross-eyed, and it is perfectly possible that one slipped through unnoticed. Let me look into this, if I've made a mistake I'll put it on the to-do list for a service pack further down the track.




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G'day Jarrad,


I am using Active Sky, which preloads the latest real weather.  When I check the FS ATIS message, it matches the weather Active Sky said it would be.  The confusion happens both at the beginning of a flight and later.  The FS ATIS is telling me that the winds are generally from the west, yet it wants me to use 10R for takeoff.  I also experienced it landing on that same day.  I checked ATIS during approach and the winds were still reported as westerly (about 240 deg if I recall), but I was told to land on 10R.  As I approached I saw a cessna landing on 28R.  I haven't had a chance to try another flight to see if this happens again.




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