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Yellowstone KWYS. ATC.


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I am not sure if I should have ATC at Yellowstone. I do get the automated weather now but I am not sure but think that I did get A.T.C. at Yellowstone with a previous install of it,


 I can also remember a red plane that used to taxi to run way to take off behind me which is not there, as well as the A.T.C.


I have just re installed everything including my payware version of Yellowstone and it seems to be missing the A.T.C. in single player??


 Everything looks good though.   Can anyone help me with this. Was it removed etc etc as I did a fresh download from vendor, or did I do something wrong at install, or was it NEVER there to begin with. ???


              Thanks Toto  

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The comms available at West Yellowstone should be CTAF/Unicom on 123.0 and an AWOS on 118.1.

As for the AI, do you have the North American GA AI freeware package? That contains the smoke jumper aircraft that park on the north apron. Probably the red planes you're thinking of. It also has the airline operations AI I believe...

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