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Orbx D-loads Fail on New, Faster ADSL2+

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Hi all. I've never before today had problems with downloading Orbx payware such as PNW, NRM or YMML2. Just upgraded to faster ADSL2+ connection (same ISP), and instantaneous download speeds from Orbx (tested using the freeware files such as EDBH) are very good at about 14 MbS - about twice as quick as before. But all downloads fail before completing.


I have checked with my ISP and they find no problems with my connection.  The 1GB test download from their server proceeds happily. Do the Orbx servers require any changes with my modem or networking configuration? I guess not as there must be people with much faster service than I have. The ISP tech himself downloaded the EDBH file in what must have only been about 5-10 seconds. (I think Orbx might use the same ISP as I do).  Can anyone suggest why the now faster downloads fail? My internet connection is not dropping out - only the downloads. The best I've done is 135MB out of the 202MB for EDBH.


Any advice is welcome.

Thanks for reading - macismatic.


Win xp, Core-2 Duo 2.66GHz, 2GB RAM, GeF 8600GT, WD HDD's Cav Blk x3 for 1.1TB.  TP-Link W8961ND ADSL2+ modem.
FTX AU, PNW, CRM, PFJ, NRM, NZSI, NZNI, ENG, SCO, WLS, ICE Demo, & app 31 Orbx airports, Lancair.


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I doubt that you need to do anything about settings, but I think you would be wise to invest in a free download manager, and there's one called Free Download Manager.  That way it will resume if the download is interrupted.


And ensure that you have deleted all temporary copies of the download file from places like internet temp directory etc before trying again.

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Hi John. Thanks for your response, and the recommendation of FDM. I recall that I used to use it years ago, before I had my first broadband. Thereafter, downloads were so reliable that there seemed to be no further need for a manager. So I'll try it again - I didn't realise that it is still around. By the way, I now realise that there are several recent posts which could actually be related to my issue, e.g. the current one concerning 'corrupted freeware downloads'.  Is it possible that the problem is not mine alone, and really does relate either to the Orbx server, or to a problematic interaction between it and some types of modem, or OS, etc.?  Unfortunately I can't keep checking because my data allowance is shrinking.

Thanks your your concern and advice, John. I hope you're not too cold there near YSCB today - even here on the far north coast of N.S.W., it's quite chilly today.  Cheers - Ian, Macismatic.

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I joined to chase this up myself...  I'm pretty confident the 'problem' is at the OrbX end :)


Over the weekend I have tried downloading the same package(s) (FTX free AI 4.0 and the update to 4.1) over three different services: 


  • ADSL2+ with TPG
  • 4G Wireless with Telstra
  • Corporate internet at work


I have tried these on a total of 4 different machines, Windows 7 and Windows 8(.1).


I have tried in both IE and Chrome.


In all cases the downloads fail part way through, at different points.  I have not been able to get a complete package.


I should note I also tested a download of  large file from the cloud (OneDrive) as a comparison - that was fine.





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Hi John. Well, I think your testing has been pretty sound and useful. Your results are consistent with my less varied tests. I have tried three different ADSL modems, four different browsers, at different times. The result in every case has been partial download, then sudden disconnection from the server without any error message or code. My ADSL2+ connection through the ISP is stable and has not dropped out at all. I downloaded both 1GB and 5GB test files from my ISP without any problem or interruption. Other files downloaded from familiar sites are error-free. Now, I know there are lots of variables, and the files in question are free, but until I find this situation resolved, I won't be buying any more payware files. John Dow's suggestion of using FDM to keep the downloads running might be one way to work around the problem, but I'd rather be sure of a file server which is stable with all decent connections.

If the problem is real, I guess there will be more posts about it. Meanwhile I'll just cool my digital heels a bit.

Thanks, John. Regards, Ian / Macismatic - YMUR, near YBCG.

Win xp, Core-2 Duo 2.66GHz, 2GB RAM, GeF 8600GT, WD HDD's Cav Blk x3 for 1.1TB.  TP-Link W8961ND ADSL2+ modem, Billion 7300GRA ADSL2+ modem.

FTX AU, PNW, CRM, PFJ, NRM, NZSI, NZNI, ENG, SCO, WLS, ICE Demo, & app 31 Orbx airports, Lancair.
FSS0059133, FSS0064618, FSS0093118, FSS0114932 and lots more.

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Hi John G., and thanks for your testing. I posted a response to that info a little while ago, but it seems to have disappeared. In case it turns up again and bores everyone, I'll just repeat that the results of your more thorough testing corroborate mine. I think that there could well be some mischief going on with the Orbx server which handles the freeware. If there is, no doubt others will post. I'll wait before buying any more payware; I'd like to be sure the servers are delivering the data reliably, rather than rely on FDM to stitch it all together. Thanks again for your work, John!



Ian / Macismatic

Win xp, Core-2 Duo 2.66GHz, 2GB RAM, GeF 8600GT, WD HDD's Cav Blk x3 for 1.1TB.  TP-Link W8961ND ADSL2+ modem. Also Billion 7300GRA ADSL2+ modem. 
FTX AU, PNW, CRM, PFJ, NRM, NZSI, NZNI, ENG, SCO, WLS, ICE Demo, & app 31 Orbx airports, Lancair.

FSS0059133, FSS0064618, FSS0093118, FSS0114932 and lots more.

FSS0059133, FSS0064618, FSS0093118, FSS0114932 and lots more.

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Hi guys,


I've passed this thread along to Jay who oversees the servers so he can comment on any potential issues. 


Also the FSS servers are separate from the Orbx freeware servers so any issues with the freeware servers are unlikely to have impact on purchases there.





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Hi, Alex. Thanks for referring this issue to Jay.  It might be that those of us having trouble have some kind of common hitch in our connections, but it will be good to have JK look at the server side.

Thanks again, Alex.

All the best, Ian / Macismatic, near YBCG.


Win xp, Core-2 Duo 2.66GHz, 2GB RAM, GeF 8600GT, WD HDD's Cav Blk x3 for 1.1TB.  TP-Link W8961ND ADSL2+ modem.
FTX AU, PNW, CRM, PFJ, NRM, NZSI, NZNI, ENG, SCO, WLS, ICE Demo, & app 31 Orbx airports, Lancair.

FSS0059133, FSS0064618, FSS0093118, FSS0114932 and lots more.

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Hi guys,


I've passed this thread along to Jay who oversees the servers so he can comment on any potential issues. 


Also the FSS servers are separate from the Orbx freeware servers so any issues with the freeware servers are unlikely to have impact on purchases there.





Just to confirm, I've been having many corrupted freeware downloads from the Orbx servers too, and the demos. Some have taken half a dozen attempts before being able to download them successfully.


My main point though, is that I am also getting problems downloading Pacific Northwest from the FSS servers, which I purchased around 6 hours ago and still haven't been able to download successfully.


I started by following the recommendation to use a download manager, so I tried FlashGet. It got as far as 95% then stopped. After a dozen or so pauses and restarts I managed to get it up to 99.9% and now it's just stuck there. It will not finish downloading the file.


I wasn't sure if FlashGet was the the problem, so I tried a few normal downloads (I've never had any problems downloading large files before, I have a very reliable internet connection). All three attempts, from the UK, German and Cloud servers, failed after a short while.


So now I'm trying Free Download Manager, which was recommended above. Every few seconds the log is reporting an "unknown network error", but it seems to be continuing to download, so it remains to be seen if this will work.


I hope this is just a temporary problem and I was just unfortunate to buy my first Orbx product at this time, but my first impressions of the downloading services are not good. I've bought many digital download products previously and never had problems like these before.

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Thanks for the suggestion, but I really don't see why I should have to spend money on software to do something as simple as downloading a file, especially when it costs more than the file I'm trying to download. And shouldn't the free software work too?


Update: I've reached 99% with Free Download Manager and again it refuses to finish the download. What's going on here? Is it a problem with the UK FSS server?


Now I'll try something else. I'm getting a little stressed now...

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Update, in case anyone's interested: I've finally managed to download Pacific Northwest, using the DownThemAll Firefox plug-in, from the Australian server, after nearly 10 hours trying. Don't know why FlashGet and Free Download Manager didn't work, unless there's a problem with the UK server.

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Same issue here, started a few weeks ago where downloads randomly crap out...tried various locations that use different ISP with same issue so assumption it is their servers like what you guys are seeing.


It's not sure freeware, it's all downloads, just purchase the CRM, PFJ, and NRM and had to resort to download managers to get it to resume after dying out for all of them.

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  • 1 month later...

To paraphrase a quotation from Samuel Johnson, originally applied to second marriages: To download a 428Mb file without a download manager "is a triumph of hope over experience".  The inbuilt download functions in browsers is frankly unsuitable for files of this size IMO.


I use a significant proportion of proportion of my Telstra Monthly ADSL allowance re-downloading things that users report troubles with.


Internet Download Manager has just downloaded the Traffic 4.1 update at a variable 1.6 -1.9Mb/sec.  The file is complete (again)  I don't have a hot-wire into the ORBX servers ... just an ordinary Telstra ADSL 2+ connection.


Most users will notice that 1Mb files occasionally drop connections during download (this is usually fixed with a browser refresh and retry).  Logic would suggest that the chance of a 400Mb file having a single dropped connection is 400x that (IE very likely in some circumstances)  If your downloader has no resume capability, then the download fails.


Jay was unable to reproduce the problems described by users here, but checked and repopulated the servers anyway.  Personally, I have not had a failed download using Getright or Internet Download manager.  An added advantage is multi-streamed downloads.


Use a download manager.



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As I understand the internet architecture, and Jaykae might correct any errors I make here, a lot of internet files are stored in intermediate points by ISPs so they don't need to download every time a file that many users are requesting.  If you are consistently getting failures of files that others are successfully downloading it is almost certainly a fault of your ISP or somewhere in the chain that ends up in your local connection.  If one of the download managers is giving you a failure that is almost a guarantee that your ISP is giving you a dud cached copy.


A bad download that is sitting in a server somewhere in your ISP or their connections is the most likely reason for consistent download failures.  Last time I investigated, I was told that most ISPs only hold files for 48 hours.  Also, I believe there are ways to force refresh the file, you might need to google that. 


If you have someone you can ask to try the download who is on a different provider from you, that would be a good test as well.

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Also, I believe there are ways to force refresh the file, you might need to google that. 


To refresh a web page in your browser, press F5. To clear the cache and refresh, press Control-F5 (or press control and click on the refresh button). Not sure if that works for downloads too.

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To paraphrase a quotation from Samuel Johnson, originally applied to second marriages: To download a 428Mb file without a download manager "is a triumph of hope over experience".  The inbuilt download functions in browsers is frankly unsuitable for files of this size IMO.

Most users will notice that 1Mb files occasionally drop connections during download (this is usually fixed with a browser refresh and retry).  Logic would suggest that the chance of a 400Mb file having a single dropped connection is 400x that (IE very likely in some circumstances)


With all due respect, I've almost never had any problems downloading files of that size. I recall having a few problems in the early 2000s and I remember using download managers then, but for many years now I've regularly downloaded files of several gigabytes using Firefox with no problems whatsoever. Internet connections are far more reliable now than they were in the early days.


As for a drop in connections with a 1mb file, I'm not aware of that ever happening. A file that small downloads in literally a split second for me. So 400x the chances of something that never happens is still pretty small. 8)


By the way, with Firefox I can pause and resume downloads, so maybe the inbuilt download function is better in Firefox than in other browsers? I'm no expert, but I think this depends on the server having the capability of being able to resume a download, which not all do. Perhaps the Orbx servers don't have that capability?


When I started downloading Orbx scenery not long ago, the frequent failed downloads came as a big shock to me. Honestly, I've never had that problem with any other website. But since using the Firefox DownThemAll plugin, I've had few problems, although when I purchased 11 sceneries in the recent sale, 3 of them failed to download even with the downloader (it reported several failed attempts), but they were easily downloaded by changing the server I was downloading from. Didn't seem to be any pattern though, I got failures from the Australian, UK and Cloud servers, but all three worked for most of the downloads.


I have no idea what the cause of these problems is, but since dropped connections seem to be a regular problem for you and you're based in Australia, I do wonder if the "Australian internet" isn't as reliable as it now is in the UK?

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 since dropped connections seem to be a regular problem for you and you're based in Australia, I do wonder if the "Australian internet" isn't as reliable as it now is in the UK?


The problems with that as a suggestion are two-fold:


I am in Australia and can download the files repeatedly, without error.

The myFTX servers appear to be located in the US, rather than the colonies. (In reality I gather it is much more complex than that, but the IP resolves to California)


Given that the resume capability of Firefox does not appear to be working for you, you have tried using a download manager, I presume?  You don't mention the results with this.

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The problems with that as a suggestion are two-fold:


I am in Australia and can download the files repeatedly, without error.

The myFTX servers appear to be located in the US, rather than the colonies. (In reality I gather it is much more complex than that, but the IP resolves to California)


Given that the resume capability of Firefox does not appear to be working for you, you have tried using a download manager, I presume?  You don't mention the results with this.


I thought the US was a colony? :smile:


Actually I did mention that. I'm using DownThemAll, which is a download manager plugin for Firefox (more convenient than a standalone download manager). I tried a couple of other download managers prior to that (including GetRight) and I had errors with those too. DownThemAll has worked almost flawlessly since I installed it. I say almost, because it did fail to download 3 of the 9 sceneries I bought during the sale (I left it running overnight), but that may have been due to the servers being overloaded during the sale (the download manager was set to stop trying after 3 failed attempts). That wasn't a big deal though, they all downloaded fine the next day.


Regarding your error free downloads, maybe it's something to do with distance? Internet downloads travel through different connection points around the globle, don't they? Maybe there's a weak link somewhere?


As for the California thing, there's a choice of servers in different countries and DownThemAll reported each download as coming from different servers. I didn't see the US mentioned. I used Australia, UK, Germany and the Cloud for various downloads.


I'm not complaining by the way, just reporting my experiences. I did have problems downloading the first scenery I bought, but since settling on DownThemAll I've been quite satisfied. I'm using it for all my large downloads now and I recommend it.

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