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bought the above mentioned add-ons at FlightSim Store.
ENG, SCO, WALES Wrappers starting > Orbx Setup window / Options > checking P3D (or FSX)


>>>> ERROR

Radio Buttons > On Next, line 13: Argument 2 must be of type string.
Stack Traceback:
1: [Radio Buttons > On Next] Line: 13 in main chunk


Which means i can't proceed installing.

System WIN7 Home Premium SP1 - .NET 4.5
Prepar3D V2.2.10437.0
FTX Central P3D v2 V1.0 Build 1040 Oktober 2013


What's wrong?


Best regards

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Thanks, Ed.


Wasn't aware that the installer (setup) error message was indicating a P3D version mismatch.


But how to proceed when the patches are out?

I was thinking, patches were running on installed packages only.

How do they effect the FightSim wrapper?


Well - so many questions - If i'm wrong or misguided - forget it and have a nice week :-)

I'll wait for the update and keep you informed.


So long


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Hi Stefan,


the new installers which will be P3Dv2 ready will patched up to the most recent version. So you will not need to download any of the existing patches. Wait for the new installer, download & install and that's it!


Flightsim wrapper won't be affected. You will use your same order number etc. to unwrap, so no worries there.

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