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Duplicate ORBXLIBS entries in FTX Products Installed

Daniel Taylor

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Ok I am having issues with flashing textures around YMMB so I thought I would go hunting for what I have done.
I have noticed in the FTX Products Installed report in FTX Central that at the top I have the following  entries :

FTX AA ORBX LIBRARIES VER 111207 December 7th 2011
FTX AA ORBX LIBRARIES VER 140302 2nd March 2014


What the ? I have seen this report before and I only had the latest one obviously


I tried removing the FTX AA ORBXLIBS folder and re installing the latest one but this did not fix it


Any ideas anyone ?

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Hi Daniel,


the report function simply reads the .txt files in the \ORBX\User Documents\Versions folder. Looks like you have an older OrbxLibs .txt file in there that didn't get removed. It doesn't mean that you have an outdated set of Orbx Libraries just a duplicate .txt file. The correct file is named FTX_AA_ORBXLIBS.TXT. Look for something with a similar name.


Cheers, Holger

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