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Iceland demo messed things up a bit

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I have never had any problems with PNW.


Tonight I installed Iceland demo.

During install it gave error = unable to access FTXcentral.exe and that it required a reboot which I did.

When I tried to set Road Lights in FTX Central it gave error = could not access restore.bat (see attached pic...BUT there is no such file in the folder shown in this error message) - then I clicked ignore on the error message.

Now when I switch between Global and America it always gives these kinds of errors and I click quit.

Next time I start FTXCentral I see the region has been changed.

Don't know if I should click Ignore or Quit on these errors?

With Global selected, a subsequent flight in Oman showed weird nighttime ground textures that were not there prior (see attached pic). So somehow the default FSX textures in Oman were messed up by the Iceland demo install !?

FTXCEntral is version 1.0 build 1040

************** Exception Text **************
System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: The system cannot find the file specified
   at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
   at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
   at FTXCentral.FTX_Environment.RestoreClearBackup()
   at FTXCentral.FTX_Environment.ApplyRegionChanges()
   at FTXCentral.FTXC.Apply()
   at FTXCentral.FTXC.lblApplyButton_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Label.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
   at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)

(sorry, now I see that I can't seem to attach my images) how to do this?

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While I'm sure someone here with a higher IQ than I could be more specific about the cause, have you tried reinstalling the latest libraries?

It's recommended to do this as a final step after installing an FTX product... If the product you installed is an older product, it's quite possible that it will overwrite FTX Central with an older version and this can cause issues like this... Installing the latest libraries makes sure your FTX Central installation is back up to date.

I also cycle FTX Central through its regions after I install the libraries, just to get things synced up again...

Worth a try if nothing else ;)

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Updated Orbx LIbs to latest. Installed items reported by FTXCnetral is now:


*** begin quote ***
FTX AA ORBX LIBRARIES VER 140302 2nd March 2014
FTX openLC Europe Region 8 (Iceland Demo) Version 1.00 - October 2013

*** end quote ***


Updating the Orbxlibs has not resolved the constant error messages when trying to change regions or toggle the VRLights checkbox in FTXCentral.

I hope Iceland demo made a backup of whatever it was replacing because this is now a concern to me as the "Iceland_Backup" folder is empty.


My Temp folder had a logfile named "FTX Global OFF Iceland Demo Setup Log.txt" which reported some errors - see following extract below:

(This log also reported some files were skipped with reason "Existing file overwrite setting".)



*** begin quote ***

[03/24/2014 22:28:54] Success    Setup started: C:\Users\user1\Desktop\Orbx FTXGlobal OFF Iceland Demo.exe
[03/24/2014 22:28:54] Notice    Setup engine version:
[03/24/2014 22:28:54] Notice    Product: FTX Global OFF Iceland Demo, version 1.00
[03/24/2014 22:28:54] Success    Language set: Primary = 9, Secondary = 1
[03/24/2014 22:28:54] Success    Verify archive integrity
[03/24/2014 22:28:54] Skipped    Date expiration check
[03/24/2014 22:28:54] Skipped    Uses expiration check
[03/24/2014 22:28:54] Success    System requirements check
[03/24/2014 22:28:54] Success    Include script: _SUF70_Global_Functions.lua
[03/24/2014 22:28:54] Notice    Start project event: Global Functions
[03/24/2014 22:28:54] Success    Run project event: Global Functions
[03/24/2014 22:28:54] Notice    Start project event: On Startup
[03/24/2014 22:28:54] Success    Run project event: On Startup
[03/24/2014 22:28:54] Success    Display screen: Welcome to Setup
[03/24/2014 22:28:58] Success    Display screen: Static Text
[03/24/2014 22:29:04] Success    Display screen: License Agreement
[03/24/2014 22:29:06] Success    Display screen: Radio Buttons 01
[03/24/2014 22:29:08] Success    Display screen: FTX Central Run
[03/24/2014 22:29:45] Success    Display screen: Ready to Install
[03/24/2014 22:29:46] Error        Script: Ready to Install > On Next, [3]: File.Copy(location.."\\Scenery\\World\\Texture\\061*.*", location.."\\ORBX\\Scripts\\Iceland_Backup\\", false); (1021)
[03/24/2014 22:29:46] Error        Script: Ready to Install > On Next, [4]: File.Copy(location.."\\Scenery\\World\\Texture\\062*.*", location.."\\ORBX\\Scripts\\Iceland_Backup\\", false); (1021)
[03/24/2014 22:29:46] Error        Script: Ready to Install > On Next, [5]: File.Copy(location.."\\Scenery\\World\\Texture\\063*.*", location.."\\ORBX\\Scripts\\Iceland_Backup\\", false); (1021)
[03/24/2014 22:29:46] Error        Script: Ready to Install > On Next, [6]: File.Copy(location.."\\Scenery\\World\\Texture\\064*.*", location.."\\ORBX\\Scripts\\Iceland_Backup\\", false); (1021)
[03/24/2014 22:29:46] Error        Script: Ready to Install > On Next, [7]: File.Copy(location.."\\Scenery\\World\\Texture\\065*.*", location.."\\ORBX\\Scripts\\Iceland_Backup\\", false); (1021)
[03/24/2014 22:29:46] Error        Script: Ready to Install > On Next, [8]: File.Copy(location.."\\ORBX\\Scripts\\FTXCentral\\Regions\\global_hybrid.rgn", location.."\\ORBX\\Scripts\\Iceland_Backup\\", false); (1021)
[03/24/2014 22:29:46] Notice    Start project event: On Pre Install
[03/24/2014 22:29:46] Success    Run project event: On Pre Install
[03/24/2014 22:29:46] Success    Display screen: One Progress Bar (While Installing)
[03/24/2014 22:29:47] Success    Free space check on drive: F:\
[03/24/2014 22:29:47] Success    Set uninstall data folder: F:\fsx\\ORBX\Uninstall
[03/24/2014 22:29:47] Success    Set uninstall config file name: F:\fsx\\ORBX\Uninstall\uninstall_Iceland_Demo.xml
[03/24/2014 22:29:47] Success    Uninstall config file not merging
[03/24/2014 22:29:47] Success    Create folder: F:\fsx\\ORBX\Uninstall\
[03/24/2014 22:29:47] Success    Create uninstall data folder: F:\fsx\\ORBX\Uninstall
[03/24/2014 22:29:48] Success    Create uninstall data file: F:\fsx\\ORBX\Uninstall\uninstall_Iceland_Demo.dat
[03/24/2014 22:29:48] Success    Install archive file: F:\fsx\\Effects\Avalon_fx_Apron_light.fx
[03/24/2014 22:29:48] Success    Install archive file: F:\fsx\\Effects\Avalon_fx_Apron_lightY.fx


*** end quote ***



The log file for the Orbxlibs update (ORBXLIBS Setup Log.txt) contained some entries marked as skipped with reason: "Conditions not met" but no "Errors".


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