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fed x caravan at KRDD


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Hi, I am thoroughly enjoying my newest addition to my orbx collection KRDD, even more so now that I have the correct libraries installed ;D ,   My question is is it possible to remove only the fed x caravan static plane from the scenery without removing all of the static corporate and ga planes in the control panel   ie a bgl file renamed to off......... I would like to park there and when I choose the cargo spot my 757 or 737plane is put in the same place as  fed x guy.

thanx for any info on my query in advance.

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G'day there,


Very glad to hear you are enjoying KRDD :) Regarding the Fedex Caravan, this will be disabled by deselecting "Airliner static aircraft" in the control panel - this only removes the Fedex C208 and the Horizon Q400. This enables you to keep your other GA statics enabled without dramas.




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