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New Night Lighting Issue


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I'm having issues related to the new night lighting that was added to a few of the airfields and NCA areas.


My issue is anywhere I go that has the new night lighting. All my night lights are way to big in size when seen from the ground. If I'm say 600+ feet above any airfield, the night lights don't look to bad . Before the new night lighting was added. I was using the Day/Night switcher. My light sizes were normal in size.

Something was changed to make the night lights to big. I haven't done anything manually to change the lights etc. I have no idea how to fix this issue or what I need to do to get it corrected.


I'm adding some screenshots, which show how my night lights look now, after the new night lighting system was added etc.







Thanks for any assistance.


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I have the same opinion! If you compare the lights of cars with these new streetlights you see that they are much too big! And there are too many yellow streetlights.

So now we have no impact of fps, but much too big lights. I hope this can be corrected soon,

Cheers, Fritz

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I haven't added the PNW SP7 (or SP8) because of this and will patiently await the new "tweaker". Is this large light issue limited to just PNW or does it affect other full fat regions / areas of the world, as well?



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