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FTX daytime light switcher not working


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I noticed the poles with the lights on them are on in NCA so I clicked the FTX day icon but I get this error.  "Windows cannot access the specified device, path, or file.  You may not have the appropriate permissions to access the item."  I tried the daytime and nighttime switch and they both give the same error.  This is on a fresh FSX installation on windows 7.  I have full permissions in the user settings.  I have installed the latest library last.  Any thoughts on how to fix this or to just turn the lights off?

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Correction, NorCal does use the newer FTX Global style lights. Holger was referring to older regions, NorCal was changed over during development


As for the permissions issue, that is separate but we can work through it. Are you running an antivirus? Additionally you may need to take ownership of your FSX folder. See how to here:



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Hi Alex, I am the owner of the FSX folder.  It has me listed as the owner.  I don't have antivirus.  I have windows firewall and windows defender.  I tried shutting them off or setting them to not block fsx but that didn't fix it.  As to the older style lights or newer style lights, I can see the newer style lights on the NCA textures.  On the vector roads however, I see the older style light poles and the smaller older style lights.  Before I installed the latest library, they were not there.  The poles and the lights were gone.  I wish I had taken screenshots to show you.  I can take a shot with the light poles and the older style lights if you want.

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Hmm, so the LC is newer lighting which is correct but the older lights are on the roads. The most likely reason for that is if you're having trouble with the lights switcher and batch files are not being executed properly it's possible that the new terrain.cfg edits for road vectors were not made. Holger will have the specifics on it but the best I can think of at the moment is to get your batch files working.


Are you running Windows 7 or 8? Running FTX Central and all associated apps as an administrator? Also try reinstalling the latest libraries as an administrator if you didn't previously. 

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Okay, I tested further and I found that when I click the FTX day switch, it gives me an error.  However, it still switches the lights off.  I tried the Night switch and it works as well.  I don't know what causes the error, but the lights do switch on and off.  Also, I am running on windows7 and run everything as an administrator.  Here are two screenshots of FTX NCA Eureka CA with the vector lights switched on and off.  The day/night switcher does work in FTX NCA.  The Vector lights switch in FTX central does not.






I don't know if these vector lights are the older style or the newer style but you can decide that I guess.

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Hi there,


it's possible that the vector street lights revert to the outdated style with lampposts is if one installs an older North American region or service pack after any of those that have been converted already (NCA, PNW SP7, or SAK SP2). Is that what you may have done after installing NCA, dannybobmusic? What is the file date of terrain_NA.cfg in {FSX}\ORBX\Scripts\FTXCentral\Regions? It should be January 2014. If it's not try re-installing PNW SP7 as it contains the current version of that file.


Cheers, Holger

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Well that was it Holger.  I reinstalled the PNW SP7 patch and the new vector lights are there.  What I did was, I did a fresh install of FSX and then I installed NCA, PNW (with all patches).  After this, I installed NRM and CRM.  I assume that NRM or CRM installed the older terrain_NA.cfg.  I checked and it was from 9\12 I think.  Now it says it's from January 2014.  Anyhow, thanks for your help in solving this little puzzle.


Thanks, Danny

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