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PAJN Mesh Problems II


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I see some other posts on mesh problems at Juneau PAJN - the aprons and taxiways are -50 or so to surounding terrain. The runway is totally underground except for the Starts.


I just installed Southern Alaska and the 1a patch recently.


One of the resolutions posted was to change to FTX Global and back - but I don't have FTX Global (see signature.) My FTX Central just lists Default and North America. I toggled between the two - didn't help. I did exit FTX Central after the Apply in each case but I didn't run FSX in between.


PAOH and PAGS are nearby (50 mi) and look OK.


I have UT Alaska X and Tongass Fjords but the layers are off in the Scenery Library. The only enabled Mesh that I see is FTX_NA_SAK07_MESH with nothing but FTX layers above it.


What am I doing wrong?


Here are the last 20 lines from scenery.cfg

Area.144,144,UT Exclusions For Default Scenery,FALSE,FALSE,Local,Scenery\UtExcl
Area.145,145,UT Landclass - Vegetation,FALSE,FALSE,Local,Scenery\UtLcVeg
Area.146,146,UT Alaska Roads,FALSE,FALSE,Local,Scenery\UtAkRoad
Area.147,147,UT Alaska Railroads,FALSE,FALSE,Local,Scenery\UtAkRail
Area.148,148,UT Alaska Water,FALSE,FALSE,Local,Scenery\UtAkWater
Area.149,149,UT Alaska Cities,FALSE,FALSE,Local,Scenery\UtAkCities
Area.150,150,UT Alaska Mesh,FALSE,FALSE,Local,Scenery\UtAkMesh
Area.151,151,MyAddons,TRUE,FALSE,Local,Addon Scenery\scenery  (just some airports I created outside the region)
Area.152,152,AKA Hiway Tour,FALSE,FALSE,Local,Addon Scenery\AKA Hiway Tour (airports for a VA)
Area.153,153,BeaverX-Pier39,FALSE,FALSE,Local,Aerosoft\DHC2 Beaver\Pier39

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Hi there,


that sounds more like a conflict with another third-party PAJN airport file. Check the three threads here: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/62409-sak-compatibility-index/


Cheers, Holger


P.S.: If you don't have FTX Global installed then cycling back to Default does the same thing, as you've figured out. The idea is to "flush" and then re-set the custom files that are required for our North American regions and airports.

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