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Was wondering if there is any way to decrease the time it takes FSX to load. It takes forever to load on my machine and I am running a pretty quick


Happy Australia day to all. Don't forget to cook a snag and have a stubby eitherĀ  ;D

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Yes there is:

1. Remove any excess aircraft which you don't use daily. To do this create a "HOLD" folder inside \SimObjects\Airplanes and drag all aircraft you don't use there

2. In FSX Settings | Display | Scenery-Tab, change "Level of detail Radius" to Medium

3. Lower your autogen, AI traffic, and scenery density settings

4. In the Scenery library, uncheck all the parts of the world which you don't fly in, and all the extra photoreal areas which came with the sim, such as Edwards AFB etc.

5. Defrag you hard drive

Basically, steps 1-3 have the most immediate results.

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