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Missing roads?


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In Canada some roads are missing that used to show up.  Highway 97(which is also highway 1) are missing in several places.(non-existence in most of Canada)   I have highway 1 at Burwash, yukon terr., but it is missing before I get to Northway AK. Highway 2 is missing from Northway to Tok, AK.  HIghway 1 going south of Tok is there.  We are doing a flight to AK following the Alaska Highway and some that are flying with me have all the roads I mentioned.  We all have Global. I have UTX Canada and AK and I think I remember having to deactivate those when I got Global. Can you correct this problem for me?  Hoping so.




I have Lib 131215.

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Hi Jerry,


are you using Global Vector or FTX Global the texture replacement add-on? If the latter then there's no need to deactivate any of the UTX components and you should try running the UTX setup tools to re-activate all the features you'd like to see. Just make sure that the UTX entries sit below the FTX block of entries in the scenery library menu.


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger,


Thanks for the fast response!  I do not have Vector yet, just Global. I re-activated UTX, checked and still did not have all the roads.  So I de-activated it again and now have roads from Ft Nelson west and north, but hiway 97 is still missing coming south from Ft Nelson. ???  After reading some posts I think I did the UTX de-activation when I bought SAK. because I had some elevation problems in AK.

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