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FTX Central misbehaving.

Philip M. Wafer

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Hi gents,


I'm running on Win7 64bit.


My FTX Central always seemed a bit odd. Sometimes I'd select a new region and APPLY and the working icon would stay for a few seconds and the new region would then show ticked. Most times, though, the working icon would stay up and I couldn't do anything with FTX Central. I'd have to go to Task Manager and shut it down from there. If I double click then on FTX Central nothing would happen. I'd then reboot the PC, and be able to fire up FTX Central to confirm region change. And as far as I could tell inside the simulator the region had indeed changed.




Recently I acquired and applied the latest patches and also ORBXLIBS (whether this has any bearing on my problem, I don't know.). In FTX Central North America was ticked. Starting FSX in PAKT I noticed elevation problems immediately (Raised rwy and txy), also in 1S2 ( Rwy and txy in trench). I browsed in the forums for FTX Central but don't see anything relevant (or maybe it's all relevant!!). I checked the elevation adjustment files in \scenery\world\scenery and noticed that only NZ files have the BGL extension, all other FTX elevation files have the OFF extension. I can change region as per above but the preceeding sentence is still true. It appears that FTX Central is not swapping out files.


I seem to have some underlying problem anyway, but has anybody got any other ideas?


One thing that crossed my mind was that the working icon stayed up because there was an error dialog waiting for its' OK button to be pressed, but for an unknown reason it wasn't being displayed.......



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Hi Philip,


difficult to say but this does sound like a permissions issue meaning Windows doesn't let you alter file extensions or locations. Make sure you have full read/write privileges in your entire FSX folder tree, check whether any read-only flags are set in your folders, and also check into "overactive" virus checker software and UAC settings.


Cheers, Holger

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Hi Holger,


Thanks for that. I've checked  my AV and c:\FSX is excluded, and similar in other similar stuff I run. UAC is off ( do not notify!). I've checked my FSX folders  and they appear to be set to read only, but any FILES appear to have this unticked. I've deleted all elevation files from scenery\world\ scenery folder, also tried deleting C:\FSX\ORBX\SCRIPTS\FTXCentral\Regions\LastAppliedCfg.ftx. No change. I've tried running Sysinternals' Process Monitor to look at what FTXCentral.exe is doing, but really haven't found anything useful. At this stage I'm not sure what to think....


Am I looking at uninstall/reinstall??

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