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Just a Question


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Hello, i am about to install Prepar3dv2 , and i am wondering whether i need to buy a new graphics card. I have a  Nvidia GeForce GTX580 DCII 1536MB.   Any help will be appreciated!


Thank you,  Mike.


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Hello, i am about to install Prepar3dv2 , and i am wondering whether i need to buy a new graphics card. I have a  Nvidia GeForce GTX580 DCII 1536MB.   Any help will be appreciated!


Thank you,  Mike.


Mikee,I have a gtx 560 and get between 25- 60 fps,most sliders maxed

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Personally, yes Id replace the 580. The minimum I would look at replacing it with would be a 780 ti if you have the funds.

Thanks for your reply Matt_Smith.....i will replace it sometime in the future!


Mikee,I have a gtx 560 and get between 25- 60 fps,most sliders maxed

Thanks for your reply spok (so it is not bad afterall ) , i will keep it then for a while until i have the funds!

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Thanks for your reply Matt_Smith.....i will replace it sometime in the future!


Thanks for your reply spok (so it is not bad afterall ) , i will keep it then for a while until i have the funds!


Mikee,I also use Razor Game Booster,which helps frames and shuts down bogged down auto running programs

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My Evga 570 Classified OC is doing a very good job also.  I'm sure not as good as maybe a 770 or 780, but very acceptable and fps 22-33 - no stutters.

Thanks cthiggin, i will stick with my 580 for a while then and see how will perform in prepar3dv2

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I have just invested in anew system, Watercooled I7 Haswell @3.7 GHZ with auto OC, twin Hybrid drives fo OS and P3d, plus two older 7200 SATA for storage

It sounds good ::)  Happy flying Cathy!   Mine is getting old , but no funds at the moment to upgrade my system.

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I may invest myself in a fsx/p3d only machine later in the year, see how things go

I have know idea on cards or ati over nvidia, my current system has ati .been ok so far

I'd like to build something that can run orbx airports or others with out much slow down


but have no idea ... 


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