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Vector and regions


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If I have selected a dedicated region eg Oceania to fly in can Vector interfere with it and its payware airports or should Vector only impact on FTX Global when Global is selected. The reason I ask is I had trouble with an English payware airport since installing vector which has been resolved.


Vector FSS0257796 Global FSS0242244

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0ld Warden EGTH Someone else had the problem also.The advice we were given was to turn EGTH blg to off in Vector AEC. Tbere is a post somewhere on the forum. The airport was not showing up in Fsx until turned off in Vector I don't believe any other airports are affected.


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Yes, airport elevations can't be overriden in FSX (this is by design - thanks to MS) which is why these files might interfere with add-on airports. However, disabling the AEC file for the specific airport fixes the issue.


Generally speaking: other add-ons should be compatible to VECTOR, as long as they do their homework. Had a support issue a couple of days ago where an add-on scenery didn't exclude freeway traffic (however, all other VECTOR data) which is why VECTOR's freeway traffic could be seen all over the add-on scenery. This is not something that we can fix.



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