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Ireland Spikes and Low FPS

Larry Hickerson

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I have done a lot of searching to find out WHY I am receiving spikes and low FPS in Ireland.  Spikes of 4 to 8 FPS for a duration of 3 to 5 seconds cycling between 15 and 20 seconds are constant while sitting on the tarmac at EIWT or flying.  Also the FPS are exactly half of my FPS at Bonner's Ferry.


The average FPS in IR is 20.  My FPS in any other graphical enhanced area is never under 40 with averages into the 50's. 


I have reloaded!  I have installed the v1.20 for Global patch.


For me, it is impossible to enjoy this beautiful scenery.

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Thanks John....


Something new everyday.  Issues fixed with new install but different procedures.


1.  Changed FTX Central by removing checks in all three boxes of FTX Global ( Use Orbx Trees, Hybrid Mode, and Vector Road Lights)


2.  Ran install as Administrator (Windows 7 - 64bit Home Premium)


End results with FTX Central after install was the "Use Orbx Trees" box was check.  


BTW, I had the newest Lib installed.

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