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Clarify Scenic Library priorities


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I am confused over the priority numbers in the scenic library. Which is highest and/or lowest numbers.

I have installed PNW and SAK and want to install Tongass Fjords but am not sure where it goes in ther Library.

For example is lowest number 1 or is highest no 1.

Alsoi can I install Aerosoft`s Dutch Harbor?


PNW FSS0054017

SAK FSS0210158


I would be grateful for your advice, please


Many thanks



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Tongass Fjords X's two entries should be placed below the FTX entries in your FSX library.


My problem is "what is meant by BELOW?" where exactly is below ?

assuming I only have FTX  and Tongass installed is Tongass at number 1 in the library or

is ftx starting at number 1 ?


sorry to be so dense but I`m really puzzled by the reference to `below` or above





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Below means physically below, under, on the bottom, down there.  There is a difference between below and "higher/lower priority" which I find mis-leading also.

If FTX scenery entries start at No. 1 (at the top of the list) in the scenery library ) then Tongass Fjords X will be placed below, under, at a higher number than ALL FTX entries.  The problem arises when "priority" is used because No.1 is a "higher priority" than a No. 10 entry.

The Tongas Fjords X Manual on pages 16 and 17 explain where the files, and their order should resided in the scenery library.  However there is no mention of FTX/ORBX specifically.

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