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[FSX] FTX NA-PNW apparent mesh tear


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Hi Dreamer, I don't have a true solution for you but just some observations.


I have seen this "tearing" in PNW. It is very common for me between KSEA and KPDX as well approaching CYVR near CYHE. Even without PNW these are heavy-duty scenery areas. I have made things "worse" with FSDT CYVR, and Holger's VancouverPlus v3. I also use REX for textures and AS2012 for wx. I do not see any similar issues in less "dramatic" scenery areas or in PNW with calmer and/or clearer weather.


If I use FSX weather but with REX textures then this problem is less prevalent, so that is my work around if it gets to be too distracting for me. Having said that, I have learned to try and ignore it.


FWIW - my system is not top of the line (by today's standards) but not far from it either.


Not a solution, but if you reduce your scenery complexity it may help. Also, try reducing cloud textures if you are using one of the wx addons.




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This is actually a known bug within FSX, related to the junction of two mesh plates and the game engine LOD not refreshing properly


Nothing to worry about, if you try to replicate you'll find its gone

yep flew it 3 times same same and no show thanks... Was concerned as I plan to fly this route a few times



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