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New PC - FSX install. Skeleton Aircraft with 3rd Party Aircraft


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ALEXF and Rockliffe have both recently reported occasional Skeleton aircraft.



But I am getting this problem with every 3rd party addon aircraft. Here is a screenie of the ORBX Lancair IV-P




Every other addon aircraft is the same (I've tried about 5 now from different publishers). All default aircraft are OK.


I wonder if it is an issue with Windows 8? (all my system info is in my sig).


I have been experimenting with fsx.cfg but not been able to alter this sad state. My changes so far can be seen here:


So far nothing I have tried makes any difference. I have also tried deleting fsx.cfg and let FSX generate a new one, this had the same result. So I would like some help please.

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Hi Anton,


are you using DX10 preview? Any ENB etc. shadower add-ons?


Is this effect since you run the new rig? I would say it's no Windows 8 problem. I've Windows 8 too and never heard about to be the reason for such an effect.




PS: With your powerful rig you should try BufferPools=0 and set // UsePools=0 to inactive. With BufferPools=0 you will put more load to your GPU

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Hi Anton,


are you using DX10 preview? Any ENB etc. shadower add-ons?


Is this effect since you run the new rig? I would say it's no Windows 8 problem. I've Windows 8 too and never heard about to be the reason for such an effect.




PS: With your powerful rig you should try BufferPools=0 and set // UsePools=0 to inactive. With BufferPools=0 you will put more load to your GPU

Hi Spirit, no just default DX9 and no shadower ad-ons. At least I have'nt set DX10 on unless its defaulted on. I've even forgotten how to set it on. And I have bufferpools=0 set.

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Thanks Spirit, your right. I don't know where I got the idea but I have set [bufferpools] to bufferpools=0 and there seems to be an improvement whereby I can load the non HD Lancair.


But there are no window glass and l get this effect in the VC



Another issue I am having which most likely is related to the Skeleton Aircraft is that during my system rebuild, all went well until I installed FTX:SP4 and all the AU Airports. Frame rates immediately dived and I improved this by adjusting the sliders and setting the frame rate to Unlimited. But I have a more sinister issue, namely OOM crashing any where near Coffs Harbour (I have not tried other AU airports) but on the other hand when I switch back to the still default area around Washington's Friday Harbour, I can fly with no Issues and with FPS hovering between 40-60 (unlimited).

My OS System specs.


My FSX settings: (As you will see they are now set lower than my old Dual core).


1920x1080x32, Frame rates unlimited, Global texture res = Med, Lens flare off

Filtering: Antosotopic, anti alias on.


Global setting Low, 3-d VC, High res VC = yes, A/c casts shadow - on ground=no, on itslef=no, lights illuminate runway=no


Level of radius=Med, Mesh comp=75, Mesh res=5m, Texture res=7cm, water effect=off,

scenery complexity = nor, auto gen=nor, ground scenery shadows=off, special effects detected=med


Cloud draw=60nm, th vis=none, detailed clouds=none, turb=off, rate of change=0


Airline den=16%, GA=16%, Aport traffic=low, road=12%, ships=0, leisure=0

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This is a screenie of a flight in the default B58 at KFHR (at around 100FPS unlimited). As I have not installed any PNW or FSGenius files as yet I wonder where this level of detail comes from. I'm guessing it was ported across from my old notebook when I ran Windows Easy Transfer. So I wonder what that brought across that I didn't know about.




So my new PC is great for flying default FSX. My heart has sunk. I don't know what to do. Does it mean a complete un-install and then try and clean up and get rid of any trace of FSX and add-on files.


I have installed and ran REX extreme_OD but have the texture come from it?


I have gone and tried a flight at YMMB (ORBX) and this confirms something very amiss in memory.






I tried a reboot and a new flight here but the scenery looked the same with the blue areas.

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Hi Anton,


for my understanding, you didn't install FSX and the add-ons on the new PC, instead you moved them with a windows tool from your laptop to the new PC?


I don't know anything about this tool but in your present situation with all the strange effects you get I'm suspicious that this may be the cause of your trouble. It may sound not so nice for you but I would think about a new installation of FSX or at least a deep repair of FSX. This means deinstallation of Acceleration, then start installation of FSX with your DVD and chose "repair" when asked and after this install Acceleration again. This would be a shorter procedure then a new installation but also very deep in the result. Of course you've to reinstall many of your add-ons.


A totally new installation of FSX would have the advantage to throw off old ballast.


I have no other idea what else you could do to solve your problems.



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Hi again Spirit. The program I refered to - Windows Easy Transfer, has been in Windows since Win7 and is supposed to just copy user data across on a new install from your old PC like IE or Firefox favourites and iTunes music and you do have the choice of what folders to include, but I did copy my appdata folders which included FSX support files. However I did this prior to starting a fresh install of FSX which means at the end it should be no different than if I did a reinstall now. I realise that in the end I may have no other choice but after about four 12 hour plus days that this took me last week I'm not going to rush at this for a solution. I am hoping for a comment from the ORBX team before I proceed down that path.

In the mean time I have been trying more options in fsx.cfg and with the sliders in FSX, one at a time and now I have been through ever slider reducing it to 0 and still no change when it comes to anything but default aircraft appearing with varying degrees of skeleton frames. The only plane that did appear OK was the Carenado 210M in lite form. The HD showed in skeleton form as does the VC. (as can be seen in the file below).



Overall the performance in default aircraft of the PC is phenomenal (frame rates always between 60-100 in default areas), so I am more inclined now to think that there will be just a simple solution, something I am missing and all will be well. Meanwhile I will continue to troll through all past posts with similar issues. Those including yourself that have had issues with Blue or Black squares seem to be at the bottom of this. BTW how do I check or switch to/from  DX9-10?


BTW just to clarify where my install has got to. FSX Gold (inc acc), REX ess+OD, FSRecorder, FTX AU-SP4200, holgermesh,

many FTX-AU airports with service packs, ORBXLIBS130909 and around five payware addon aircraft.


And here, a copy of my current fsx.cfg


And no further. Still got to install my NA, NZ, EU and FTXGlobal (still a long way from home, and no more new purchases). Help please.

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Hi Antonvs,


I agree with above, start with a clean .cfg,  adding for now, only the HIGHMEMIX=1,


The .cfg file you posted (linked)  is way off for a modern haswell system. [Texture_bandwidth_multi =100] ??, should be either 40,80,120 etc. (120 would be better ) .

Affinity mask is a waste of time these days and only helped on dual core systems by unloading the 0 core of the slow CPU,  why you would want to disable that core for fsx in a haswell is a mystery.  There were many others that don't make any sense these days.

see here for a better setup for your system;  http://www.simforums.com/forums/drivers-nv-inspector-fsxcfg-complete-guide_topic36586.html



Ok back to your issue;   there are more files in the appdata folder than the .cfg. and if you copied them from previous install they may be conflicting.


go to; users/ {your name} / appdata / local / microsoft / fsx.  You will see 2 shader folders,  Delete both shader folders completely. FSX will rebuild them when restarted, or maybe not the DX10 one if you don't use it.  See in fact if there are more than these 2 folders in there,


You are using more than one monitor, what do you use it for and have you tried just a single monitor, maybe it's putting additional loads on the system.



see if that helps,



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OK, thanks Ron I will look into your suggestions especially checking the appdata...FSX folders (good point). I use the second monitor for Plan-G but started to wonder about its drain myself. I will try disconnecting it as well when we get back in s few days from a short trip away in our Van (traveling interferes with simming).

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.......... The other case could be that something is wrong with your new rig.


Good luck


Hi Spirit, I have began to wonder about this myself and together with Ron's comments I am thinking I may need to look at the GTX770's settings. With all that grunt compared to my dual core HP with 512Mb of video I was expecting a LOT more.

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I suspect the shaders need to be reloaded.


Have you tried as Ron suggested?


If that does not work I would definitely do an FSX repair using the installation discs.


A GTX 770 has plenty of horsepower to run FSX and a second monitor. I'm using a GTX 670 and use a second monitor (1024x768) to display either Aivlasoft EFB, FSC9, Plan-G, REX Weather Popup, etc. as required.

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Just to add,


I've never used the easy transfer in windows, so I can't comment.   But as Spirit points out, it may be the system and you may have transfered 'old settings'  that may not play well with windows 8.  I really don't know.


I would recommend though, a complete new install of windows etc. then FSX and extras, set it all up correctly, then import whatever files etc. from old computer.   Sometimes it's quicker than tearing your hair out trying to solve mystery problems.  Then at least you know something bad wasn't mistakenly brought in.  Nick N. has just done a complete guide to setting up a new Haswell system for FSX, go to the link I posted above. Then the main menu.


I see now what you use the other monitor for and that shouldn't be an issue.



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Thanks Ron and Phil, when I get back home in a couple of days I will give your idea of deleting the shader files as well as disconnecting the 2nd monitor just to see the effect if any. Ultimately Ron I will then try a complete rebuild(and avoid "Easy transfer", its more trouble than its worth). I agee it may be less strain in the end.


P.S. I don't understand what the "Shaders" do, and would appreciate a brief explanation.

Cheers for now.

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  • 1 month later...

After a long pause I have finally decided to start from scratch and rebuild windows OS. This I have now done and soon will start reinstalling FSX/FTX. So please mark this support thread as answered. Thanks to those who helped.

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