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Bonners Ferry is great and looking forward to Bozeman BUT...


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... regarding the Frontier prop job the flag (US flag) always goes "to the mast" meaning that the field of blue is always toward the forward portion of the aircraft or any other vehicle.


Hi guys,


Like I said in the title Bonners Ferry is great and is almost as good as being there. Looks exactly like the real thing.


I currently have 3 regions (PNW, NRM, & CRM) and 16 airports (not counting the free ones that fall within those regions) and 2 more that should be here (Colorado) any day now as they are in shipment from Australia.


I know you must have a long list of people's wishes but I'd very much like to see you guys come out with 3W7 (Electric City, WA) as you could then model the area around the Grand Coulee Dam even better than you already have. I lived there for a year and a half and it is a very awesome area to see. (In my not so humble opinion.)


Beyond that I'd love to see you clean up your rendition of Tacoma, WA some. Put some realistic buildings on the hill downtown and clean out the sand bars you have in the port area... and maybe add some ships. The closest airport is KTIW which you already have done a pretty nice job on so while I can think of no justification for you to work on Tacoma I'll still continue to wish for it.


Thanks for all the great products. They aren't cheap but they are very good. :)


Best regards,


Tom Wunder

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