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Mustang Circuit at Warnervale


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Hi Guys,

Yes John, you can comfortably take off and land the Citation Mustang at Wernavale. Mind you, I realised after landing that the wind sock was pointing the wrong way for my circuit. So I'm surprised I managed ok with a 14 knot crosswind favouring the other runway direction.

I hope you don't mind the volume of shots, I got a little trigger happy and the scenery was great. Well done Orbx Team.

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Taxing out to runway

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Lining up 02 and ready to begin takeoff roll

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Rotating with plenty of room to spare

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Climbing out upwind (or so I thought)

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Turning onto Crosswind

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Time to admire the scenery

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Turning Downwind

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On Final 02 - you can just make out the runway in the distance

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Stopped with plenty of room to spare


Taxing back to our parking spot

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Safely parked.

Thanks Guys for providing another fine enhancement to our simulated environment.

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Hi Andreas,

Haven't flown there yet but with a ceiling of FL410 and a speed of 340 KTAS, I think it would be a short flight. It takes about an hour to fly to Brisbane from Sydney in a 737.

All the best to you and your family this Christmas.

Regards, Paul

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