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NZQN runway 23 ai arrival

capt sl

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enjoying discovering this latest beauty


however noted this odd behavior related to AI traffic( im not using FTX traffic)


for arrival to runway 23  the a320/737 disappear on descent and never land


on runway 5 they all seem to be  ok


anyone else get this ?

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i make my ai traffic  files using AIFP with flightplans from aig etc


i believe it has something to do with the way the APX has been designed. cause i noted when i opened the apx with ade  under list of approaches theres was ILS runway 05 and ILS runway 23. now im not sure if NZQN has ils approaches . cause theres no freq .  anyway i decided to try and use the approach data that was with nzqn that came with NZSI . and it seems to have worked. the 320/737 did come and land


. will check some more later

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I admit honestly that my knowledge of the inner workings of AI stuff is very limited, when I want to know something about it I ask our Graham and he "enlightens" me on the issue, now reading that you are tinkering up your own AI makes me wonder as to why you didn't phrase your original question in another form, if you had been upfront directly and asked, hey guys I'm trying to build my own AI traffic files and I have run into this, would have a been a wee bit less confusing.


I think I'll request for being a dentist in my next life, they also have to pull teeth every day ;)

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perhaps graham can explain when he has a chance


cause quite frankly i dont see how the ftx ai will behave any different to a traffic file made with aifp


and also i dont understand where the ils comes in when theres no frequency for it


and my ai traffic works very well at all airports orbx or otherwise and has done so for a long time now


have only noted this here at nzqn for landing on 23 while runway 5 works


im no expert in this either so just as baffled

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NZQN has custom curved approaches to enable AI aircraft to land using the real world approach path so as to avoid the mountains surrounding the airport. I tested and fine tuned this setup for many more hours than I care to admit using the AIA and FAIB B737 plus the DJC A320 as well as a number of other aircraft with no issues of the type you describe. Could you please advise which AI aircraft model you are having problems with?


You should also be aware that some of the AIA and DJC aircraft will have failed landings unless the flight plan is an IFR one, they don't seem to like VFR flight plans for some reason. I am not home until this coming Tuesday and can do some more testing then if you can give me more info.

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thank you Graham


im using  the faib/aia for 737  and faib/djc for A320. as i stated this was only happening for 23 arrival. even if sim was started before the flight generated. when it did. it would generate at its cruise altitude , then after a while start its descent up to a certain altitude ,then continue a little more  and eventually disappear .


all flightplans used are IFR


also just curious even when i fly on my own using the fsx atc. it gives ILS approach .( is there ils for NZQN?)

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Those particular models are the same ones I use in the FTX AI Traffic pack. The update I will be releasing this week will have the FSX FAIB A320s instead of the older FS9 DJC A320s, they look and perform really well. When testing I usually start the sim about 30mins before a flight is due to land to give it time to come down from cruising altitude and land. I was more than pleased with the way it all worked for Queenstown so I am a little perplexed by your problem.. 


There is no real life ILS at Queenstown however the only way you can set an approach path for AI traffic to follow in FSX is to create one. AI aircraft ignore all approach types other than ILS ones. This is fine for most airports where the approach is straight in but to plot an approach which is anything but straight in, you need to make it an ILS one. Just another limitation of FSX. 

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