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FTX-Global patch 1.10 question...?


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Hi guys,


I have downloaded and installed, with FTX central set to "Global" and followed all of the instructions....


For some reason all of my FTX entries are now at the top of my libraries instead of below my addons....  Is one suppose to create new insersion points or should it have been a hassle free install?


Kind regards.



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Something new now!!


Every time I change between regions my scenery library entries are all screwed up?  To many outcomes to try and explain.....


Is there suppose to be a "ORBX!OPENLC_NAMERICA1" entry now with this new patch?


I have never in all of my installs had an issue with FTX central and now it is just so un predictable.....


Kind regards.



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Hi John,


Thank you for your reply.  I have just finished reorganising each library entry for each region and they all seem to be staying in place now.   As for the ORBX!OPENLC entries I can not seem to get them to stay at the bottom of the FTX entries.  They keep reverting to the top of the FTX entries?


Maybe that is where they are suppose to be?  I have raised another support enquiry in regards to this issue.




Kind regards.



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Fantastic!  Thank you very much John.


Still confused as to what would have caused my entries to be all switched around?   Might just walk away from this one now, seeing that I have got things back in order.


Kind regards.



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