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FTX Gobal and installing another product


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I had posted on the Trees post but thought I would post here with my details of problems with global trees, So I got the program loaded and it worked great and love it!  After a couple days I went and got the 4 Australian areas and 2 airports, after a flight I went and shut everything down and installed the new products.  The install changed the FTX Central back to a old version that 2 copies of the FTX Gobal and no options below for the Orbtx tree,Hybird mode or Vector light.  So I went and check out the new airports in FSX and and again very happy with your product.  When I went back to the USA to fly out of Boston is when I saw the trees everywhere and building on the airport.  So I first tried reinstalling Global and that didn't work but it did show the right FTX Central now but with error message when it starts saying "Terrain.cfg has no[land class] section.  So right now I can only fly out and into airports that I have pay ware because it sitting on top of your program. Thanks for any help on this problem!

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I had posted on the Trees post but thought I would post here with my details of problems with global trees, So I got the program loaded and it worked great and love it!  After a couple days I went and got the 4 Australian areas and 2 airports, after a flight I went and shut everything down and installed the new products.  The install changed the FTX Central back to a old version that 2 copies of the FTX Gobal and no options below for the Orbtx tree,Hybird mode or Vector light.  So I went and check out the new airports in FSX and and again very happy with your product.  When I went back to the USA to fly out of Boston is when I saw the trees everywhere and building on the airport.  So I first tried reinstalling Global and that didn't work but it did show the right FTX Central now but with error message when it starts saying "Terrain.cfg has no[land class] section.  So right now I can only fly out and into airports that I have pay ware because it sitting on top of your program. Thanks for any help on this problem!


Try loading the new Libraries, if that doesn't work install the Core Library Released after Scotland.  Any old Scenery will overwrite the New !

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Thank you for the response to my questions - I have tried the library 130820 and started FTX Central again and same land class message and  


Custom Files Validation Report
Custom file does not exist.

Custom file does not exist.

Custom file does not exist.

Custom file does not exist.

Custom file does not exist.

Custom file does not exist.

Custom file does not exist.

Custom file does not exist.



I've look for the core library but couldn't find it maybe you can pass me a link and again thank you for the support!

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sorry but from your description I can't figure out what your issue is, so kindly post up a few screenshots with corresponding coordinates so we can check this

In case you don't know how to post screenshots on our forums then please have a read here => http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/38447-how-to-post-a-screenshot-on-the-orbx-forums/?p=335815

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Nothing still the same old trees, so is there any way to uninstall Orbx files and do a clean install with installing Global last?  I have a group flight at the end of the week I would love to do but the trees drive me crazy.  I am really starting to think I'll have to do a clean install of FSX which will take way too much time to do!  If this happens I can't see myself getting another area from ORBX because of this (Airports maybe). 

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Hello John,


Pretty much I know what happen your product worked great "till" I got the Australian add-ons and installed them after Global was already installed because before that Global rocked and I told everyone I knew to buy it!.  It first overwritten your FTX Central to older versions and I saw to copies of FTX Global in the UI for Central after the Australian install.  So I went and reinstalled Global again and that when the trouble started with tress and homes everywhere.  I always get the "Terrain.cfg has no[land class] section when I first start FTX Central and have to click this message 3 times before it goes away.  Then after I install the latest libraries I would get the following  -


Custom Files Validation Report
Custom file does not exist.

Custom file does not exist.

Custom file does not exist.

Custom file does not exist.

Custom file does not exist.

Custom file does not exist.

Custom file does not exist.

Custom file does not exist.




Which was fixed by replacing the file australia.zip and that was gone but the Land class issue when Central starts have never been fixed. 


Other program I have now -


DRZEWIECKI DESIGN - NEW YORK CITY X (not active frames rates suck)




Thanks for looking into this for me, I am just frustrated as much you guys are on your end and I know your trying make it right.





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Hello Folks--my first post.  I have basically the same problem as first stated above.  FTX Central has "Default,"  two FTX Globals, FTX Europe, North America and Oceania, FTX trees option, but no FTX Global or Vector lights option.  Everything worked fine after FTX Global was installed, and again fine after FTX Northern Island was installed yesterday.  Today I installed FTX Scotland.   Unfortunately, I had a senior moment--forgetting that I already installed Scotland in June, buying Scotland again on 8/27 and absentmindedly installing FTX Scotland a second time today.  That's when the FTX Central problem showed up.  Never did this before with any other ORBX product, thank goodness.  I have not fired up FSX yet so don't know what affect this will have other than the FTX Central Glitch.  I am downloading the latest ORBX libs and will install them and see if it changes anything and post here later.   Thanks for listening.




FSS0218691 FTX EU Scotland

FSS0230490 FTX EU Scotland and FTX Northern Ireland

FSS0227585 FTX Global

FTX Everything Else

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Hello Folks-Wolter's suggestion fixed everything.  Downloaded latest ORBX libs, installed, and everything's back to normal.  When I installed Scotland a second time it overwrote the July, 2013 FTX Central and replaced it with a 2009 version--which was before FTX Global, of course--hence the mess.  Now that I'm back to the newest FTX Central version all works OK.  Thanks,



FSS0218691 FTX EU Scotland

FSS0230490 FTX EU Scotland and FTX Northern Ireland

FSS0227585 FTX Global

FTX Everything Else

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Well I tried the install of Global one more time, nothing still broke and now I don't see any of my airports on the fsx scenery list how the hell did that happen.  So now everyone (that doesn't have it yet) in my VA is scared of Global because of this stuff I been going though this week.  So I guess I need to kiss 3 days of my life way to reloading all my add-on airplanes, airports and repaints for them JOY!  Just wish you would seen this in your beta testing something to think about next time you have a product like this.  Very unhappy right now!

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Hi there, me again,

With all due respect, I can understand you're a wee bit hot under the collar there as things do not pan out your way, but we are trying to determine what the issue is or could be instigating this and as for testing, I can assure you we do not flunk with these things as we do not need or look forward to these kind of posts.

You state you do not have any other addons installed, now you are saying you'll need 3 days to re-install everything, maybe superfluous remark from me, why didn't you have an image or copy of your complete fsX install, I can re-install mine here within 30 minutes, and yes it's only a tiny 289 Gb in total.

Clearly you have messed something up, we can either try and solve this together or you can go screaming murder, but that won't solve your issue, somewhere something went wrong, the trick is that we need to find this out together, and no I'm not a clairvoyant that can sense what you have installed or what you are running there, so let's refrain from dramatics and stick to facts

you state you had FTX Global installed and then afterwards you installed Australia, did you also install the Service pack for it ?
available at the support page => http://fullterrain.com/support.html

then you re-installed FTX Global again, did you set FTX Central back to default or Global for this instance and then installed it or where you still switched to Oceania when running the FTX Global installer ?

You state that your virtual flying club is involved, any scenery or other applets running for that ?
and please do not get me wrong, I have to ask all this questions to make sure that we are talking the same thing here, there's plenty of things that one has installed and completely forgets about, happens to me as well.

so besides the FTX sceneries mentioned in your Sig, you have no other sceneries activated also your Addon Scenery folder is disabled ? I ask this as that's the place where some rouge files can wander of to and cause all kinds of unexpected issues.

Awaiting your constructive answer to resolve this issue together

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First did I not say only good things about your product!  Do I have a problem yes I do and I told the support here 2 times here when it started and how and someone else seem to have the same issues lucky for him he was able to fix it.  So when you ask for scenery I provided it.  Did you want all my airplanes, repaints and airports also?  And when I install each I have to dig though my emails to find the codes to activate them oh what fun that is.  But we are done I started clean FSX and going to reinstall process, my first post was on the 24th it is 29th now I want to fly again sir! 


I have already started the cleaning process for a total new install and global will be dead last but will be install because it changes everything in FSX for the better so thank you for making it. I just wish I didn't have the issues I did. Oh and the VA addon just kAcars to track the flight. My only hope is you see this in testing and able to fix, please in the future have a uninstaller for your programs that my only gripe right now. 


I really think you need take back the remark on "I" clearly messed something up, I had everything working fine till the install of the Australian software let not rehash that! 


At this time you can leave it open if you testing in the office or closed it because I want to fly without trees in the runways and taxiways.

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