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Question and Issue FTX

Jim Brouillette

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Yesterday I was attempting to draw airport backgrounds for airports at which the backgrounds had mysteriously disappeared. I have drawn backgrounds in before without problem but they would not appear at all.

After a number of hours of abject failure it  dawned on me that the FTX installation had changed the lclookup.bgl. Since lclookup.bgl controls the drawing process for airport backgrounds is it possible that this is preventing the process from happening? If so, is there a work around? In my attempts to draw the backgrounds I attempted to click out of FTX. Can't do it. It stays locked. Other than these two issues I am really impressed with FTX. Not only do the new textures look great but the micro stutters I was experiencing prior to FTX installation, are gone. I was using ADE to draw the backgrounds and the airports I was working on were CYVR and CYYJ respectively. I run on Win 7 x 64 with an i7 OC'd to 4.6 Ghz and 32 mgb of ram. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


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Hi Jim,


actually, lclookup does not directly "control the drawing process for airport backgrounds". There is a section in it that assigns different textures based on the underlying active landclass if the airport poly is drawn with one of the "Airport_Backgrounds_" tags but we don't change that section in any manner. The only ways I know of that airport/landclass polygons don't appear correctly is by either selecting an incorrect poly tag or the resulting .CVX file somehow gets excluded from drawing in the sim. My first check would be to load the airport CVX file in TMFViewer.exe to check whether it has compiled correctly including the correct GUID (search for the GUID in terrain.cfg to find the landclass texture it references). If that checks out OK then focus on the scenery library priority and potentially interfering entries at higher display priority.


Cheers, Holger

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