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Brisbane Lights


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Hey guys , 


so the probelm still persistes with my Little green taxiline lights being shy and not wanting to show them selves!!


So again i have all Runway lighting, and the apron blue edge lights are all fine, but the green taxiline Lights arent there 

The indent of the light is on the taxiway. Its just like they need to be switched on somehow at night. 


When you approach runway 01 - 19 in the day near the holding point of the runway there is that light that flashes back and forth 

( forgive me i have no idea what its called ) almost like a beam light, It seems that also at night this light turns off. 


Its almost like day time all the lights are on, But once it hits night time they all turn off. I am beginning to see just the random 1 green taxiway light just out of no where. Does any one know why the lights arent working ??


Could there bs something that has turned them off ?? Brisbane is one of my FAV orbx AIrports, with the static airliners and people flow ect ect. I love flying at night but its so so so so hard because You cant follow the taxiways ??


Is there anything that may have turned them off ?? I have the end series installed, but i took out the palete and modules to see if that was the key and well still nothing!! 


ANy suggestions ?? just the slightest idea! this is very frustrating

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Hi Jason, have the taxi lights ever worked for you or is this something that has suddenly stopped working?


could you have a look in your C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Effects folder, and list the .fx entries that start with Orbx_YBBN... and Orbx_YMML...



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Gday Russ!!


Umm im not too sure what happened really. 


This is the weird thing


Melbourne has all its green taxiline lights, but it dosent have any runway lights. 


Brisbane has All itss runway lights but no taxiline lights,


Anyway here are the files 


The Following are for Brisbane









The following are for melbourne







All entries are entered exactly how they look.

So i hope you can find something within that ??

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Sorry Jason, i missed your reply.


You have the correct .fx file for the taxiline lights, and i'm sure from memory they all use the same .bmp texture file so the fact that some are showing (edge lights) and some are not (taxiline lights) is quite strange!


The only light fx issue i have had in FSX was solved by double clicking the "Night Mode" icon, it cant harm for you to give that a try.


would you be able to put a screen shot that shows the edge lights working but the centre line lights not, it could also be an exclude issue tied to a third party APX, do you have any world AI programs installed?



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And here is the photo, 


As you can see i have ENB Series off here so you can actually see where there suppose to be, The blue taxi apron lights are all on but no Green taxiline lights!! 




And then in this screen shot, 


I have ENB turned on, and the sexy aporn light is on, As you can see with out the green taxiline lights its very hard for me to taxi at night 




And then as we move up towards runway 19 The green taxiline lights appear! but only in that region, no where else


So they are there but not all of them



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FTX traffic wont cause any issues and if there are no other AI programs installed then i am at a loss as to why most of those lights are being excluded.


If you go into your scenery library from the FSX menu, can you list all the entries that appear above YMML please

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Just curious, at night in YBBN is there a small triangular polygon tear at the intersection of taxiway B and C6? (could be polygon issues?)


Petfy, Yes there does seem to be a polygon triangle at the intersection, I have attached a screen shot 







I dont have them in a order, I only select the sceneries that i will be using for the flight... I have attached a screen shot also 




As you can see i was flying from Sydney to Brisbane... SO i only had selected those two sceneries


Is this a problem

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there should be no problem with that configuration Jason, this is very baffling to be honest. This has all the signs of an exclusion at work, but there seems nothing to blame it on!


I'll make a note in the dev forum to ask if any other developers could chip in here if they have any suggestions, as i am out of ideas with this one, sorry.



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