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ND EC135 AU Series Ready


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Greetings to you all;

Here is my version of the AU series you will need to have the ND EC135 helicopter to use these paints you can download them here

http://www.aussiex.org/index/download.php?view.231 there are 6 repaints in this series a total of 43.77 MB, any comments good or bad welcome as it is oly my 3rd attempt at repainting. So without further dribble here they are. All taken at YMML, except the second last one was at YPMQ.

Oh buy the way John yours is parked @YMML waiting for you

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AU Red

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AU Blue

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Au Green

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AU Gold

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OZx version 1

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John's Burger with the Lot

Thanks for looking


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That's super Dogalog.  Unfortunately, despite diligent practicing, I still haven't mastere the art of flying heli's.  I think its a coordination thing - you know - I haven't got it, and with the time its taking me to learn, it looks as if I never will! :-[ :'(

I really like those pics too.  Very good.


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Its all balance and small movements mate, and remember in helo flying every action has an equal reaction so if you move forward a touch make sure you make the samee move backwards so you dont end up out of control.

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@--->JohnY  Thanks for the compliment and Aussiecop is right, with me it was practice make you a better pilot  ;D

@---> Iain hope you like them they get a special shine up in the right atmosphere.

@---> Aussiecop it took me a long time to realize what you have said as jerky or fast movement finnish up as a jerk that crashes very fast.  ::)

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Nice Paints!

I'll add them to my collection for my Helio Traffic!

I have been flying a helio with my yoke and peddles...lol

I have to find my stick. I've been doing the last helio mission

and all I need to do now is land on that damn boat!

Helios are great for site-seeing!


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