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KHQM with strange runway texture

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recently I noticed that the runway at Bowerman (KHQM) has a mixed runway texture. It looks like as the grass is painted grey and in fact the runway has a grass texture. Unfortunately I can't tell what I changed to get this effect because I don't have a look at Bowerman so often.


I use a grass addon "PicNic" from  Aimé Leclercq and this has a test pattern so one can see where the grass was modified. Even if I remove this addon and go back to standard (?) it's still the same odd runway texture.


I tried to find a solution from the Internet but without success. I don't know the names of the standard grass textures so I dare not to replace some of them.


The screenshots show how the runway actually looks like and the other show the use of the test patterns (yellow).


Maybe somebody can give me some hints where else I could look to solve this problem.


It's not a serious problem but a bit annoying whenever I see this runway. ::)





PS: I run FSX with DX10 but I don't think that it's a DX10 effect


Just checked with P3D and the runway is ok there.





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thanks for the quick response I really appreciate this.


The latest PNW Patch 005 didn't help so I gave it a try and made a quick switch back to DX9. Surprise, surprise - the runway is OK with DX9.


The DX9 mode is unfortunately not an option for me but I know now the reason and I can live with this flaw quite well.


I'll tell this problem in the DX10 forum and maybe the soon released DX10 fix will solve this problem too.




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Hi Tim,


just did the update with FTX Aero but unfortunately it didn't change anything at the runway.


It's so odd that the runway has a grass texture only in DX10 and it seems to be that I'm the only one with this effect. ::)


If I would know which file does the runway I would like to change it manually with a standard version file.




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I guessed that you talk about the detail1.bmp file in the "scenery/world/texture" folder. I took one from another FSX installation on my Laptop, then even from P3D but nothing changed the odd runway at KHQM. Was I wrong with my guessing?


Why is the runway ok if I run FSX in DX9 mode?


Anyway thanks a lot


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Because DX10 was never implemented by Microsoft fully. It's a very buggy setting, we don't recommend using it. It does lower VRAM usage and increase performance, but brings a whole bunch of graphical problems.


Hi Misha,

you need not to tell me about DX10 problems because I'm well aware of them. ::) I decided to use it and that's it. If there's no solution for KHQM so be it as it is I've no serious problem with it.



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  • 3 weeks later...



The problem with the odd KHQM runway at DX10 is fixed now.


KHQM runway didn't bother me so much, but as I noticed a few days ago that many (all?) standard airport runways had a grass surface I would really like to get this fixed. Unfortunately happened this mess only with DX10. >:(


I tried to locate the culprit of the problem with changes in the area of scenery, texture, directx drivers and even repaired FSX Acc. Nothing changed these flaws. Well, so I had to become more serious with my FSX and uninstalled FSX Acc, repaired FSX, installed FSX SP1 and Acc again. Bingo!!! This killed the bug.


Now KHQM is fine again and the concrete etc. runways aren't covered with grass anymore and this is all again with FSX DX10!!! ::)


Unfortunately I didn't get knowledge of the problem's real reason. ???



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.....The 'grass' is tge detail1.bmp detail map blended with terrain showing (because the runways were not)......


Hi Ian,


but I also replaced this file before I did all the other actions and it didn't help.




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As far as I know, the detail1.bmp file is exactly the same in DX9 and DX10.


As I explained though, the issue is not likely to be with this file (detail1.bmp).  It is likely to be one of the runway textures that DX10 is not displaying properly, and hence the runway is not displaying.


What you are seeing is the terrain underneath, because the runway is not displaying.  The runway is the issue, and it would seem a global SX issue for your install, whoch you have now fixed.


Logically then, changing detail1.bmp won't fix the problem, it will just change the texture you see.  That is the expected behaviour.

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As far as I know, the detail1.bmp file is exactly the same in DX9 and DX10......


For sure, it's the same file. I guess that some DX10 coding which is responsible to render the runways was corrupted and got fixed by my repair and reinstall actions. Now KHQM is fine and the runways of standard airports have not only grass anymore.


It's fixed and I learned something new. The saying "No disadvantage without an advantage" was true again. 8)




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