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just bought global ? about new LC content


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Hi all, I just bought Global and I understand how hybrid mode works  But I have a question about the upcoming LC content that is going to be offered . My understanding is that it will enhance global for the specific region  but will it affect in anyway the region packs? .   for instance will there be any change when flying in new zealand .?   from what I gather if one is flying within a "region pack" enabled having global and or a land class area  wont change anything within that area unless hybrid mode is checked .  Am I correct ?   So to rephrase my question another way  does global and LC content have any effect on the already issued region packs.

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FTX Global nor OpenLC will affect the FTX regions.


FTX Global is the bottom layer. OpenLC is put on top of that and it influences how FTX Global looks. FTXG and OpenLC belong together: OpenLC will only work if you own FTXG! But the FTX regions, which are in the top layer, completely stand alone and are not influenced by FTXG and/or OpenLC at all. So they also don't use any of the FTXG textures or OpenLC landclass.


Hybrid mode is another story. The idea behind hybrid mode is that with it enabled you can fly from Oceania to Europe or America without having to switch regions: this is possible at the cost of a few minor things most people won't notice at all. If you don't plan on flying from one FTX region to another (and by that I don't mean from FTX England to FTX Scotland but from Europe to for instance Oceania) you would be better off enabling that specific region instead of hybrid mode: in that case you will get everything the region offers and still have FTXG (and OpenLC) whenever you leave that region.

On the other hand: if you don't fly from Oceania to for instance Europe but you DO fly in various regions daily, you might be better of with hybrid mode because than you won't have to switch regions every time.


Example: I only use (or plan to use) European regions. I will buy FTX Norway South for instance and I own FTX England. I presume both regions will be part of the larger Europe region. So I personally will enable the Europe region instead of FTXG with hybrid mode. By doing this I have the Europe region always available and when I leave that region I will fly above FTXG scenery, even when I decide to do a flight in Africa or the US or whatever. SInce I don't intend to fly to the Oceania or American FTX regions (which I don't have installed) hybrid mode is of no use to me: I could enable it but I would lose those small details I talked about earlier: small as they are, I like to see everything the FTX regions offer.

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This is my understanding also. I can't be certain, but I assume that FTXGlobal is probably lower down in the scenery list that the FTX regions. Another way I look at it is this: FTXGlobal is the NEW Default FSX, therefore any regions, airports etc would lay on top of global as it did the old default.


All that is of course assuming that one installed the various items correctly ;)

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thanks fellow simmers. I think you all answered my query.    I will want to try the hybrid mode out when I fly from dutch harbor to Kenai or Anchorage.    Or say from new Zeland to new Caladonia .  and global mode whenever I plan to fly anywhere not covered by my region packs.

like south america.   the upcoming LC packs wont effect my region packs and only enhance global .......Crystal clear now. Thanks again 

Now I must wait for the cd copy to arrive  via the mail as I have no time or patience for the undoubtedly  lengthy download.

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