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Question to 3rd Party Scenery and Hybrid Mode


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My first question:


If i install 3rd Party Scenery (Landclass, Airports,...whatever) should i tick "Hybrid Mode" or not?


and my 2nd question....


the manual says:


• Hybrid Mode should be used only if flying into or out of Orbx FTX Regions. You would only un-tick

Hybrid Mode if you intend to spend a considerable amount of time outside Orbx FTX Regions


 Why is that? Why not leave the Hybrid Mode always on? Is there any disadvantage when i leave it on, even when i not fly in or outside a FTX Region?








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Re the second question:

From what I understand hybrid mode will 'not quite' give you the best Autogen experience in a particular region, therefore if you stay in a particular region not selecting hybrid mode gives a better autogen experience - I may be wrong though?

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I seem to recall that FTX Central was to be set at FSX Default when installing 3rd party scenery.  There wouldn't be any active FTX scenery listed in the scenery.cfg when FTX Central is set at default, once an FTX region was activated you would see that reflected in the scenery.cfg.


I have not verified it yet but I would imagine that if you unchecked Hybrid mode and pressed apply that it would in fact deactivate the FTX regions in the scenery.cfg.


I was going to post a topic because I was curious about this as well.

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Hybrid mode affects the lclookup and with it on you get the best all around compatibility. With individual regions set they get their own lclookup which has the intended values for the region, but not the world. So switching to the region will ensure you are seeing it as it was meant to be originally with no comprises.

However unless you're getting down to the nitty gritty, I think Hybrid mode does the job well

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