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FTX Global - Uninstall? Reinstall?


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My ORBX stuff is fine in NA and Oceana modes and seems mostly ok in Global mode (non hybrid). But I tried a night flight around New York and it looked like a mix of FTXG and UTX USA tiles. I believe this because large blocks of tiles were colored differently and those blocks had NO 3D lights. I had UTX lights off  in UTX control panel. I had ORBX lights set to ON.


I installed FTXG with UTX installed already and FTX Central set to Default. Running the FTXG install, it auto-opened up the FTX Central screen and I left it sitting there. Near the end it complained that FTX Central was open. I tried to close it and got an error (Never wrote it down DOH!) and I closed it manually (X in the window dialogue) and the install completed.


I would like to try the install again. Is there an uninstall? And what is the issue with this?



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Just run the installer again, just don't backup twice.

If you run the UTX config tool and disable the custom landclass textures option those blocks you see in NYC will go away.


Thanks BTW.


What would be cool in the manual (or in the compatibility forum) is an FTX Global area. One thread being UTX Landclass products and ORBX recommended settings for best blend. Bill them as not required but only suggestions but not urgent and a brief why... Like.


1. Disable UTX Lights and enable ORBX Vector Lights

2. Disable Custom Landclass option under "area XYZ" found in the UTX configuration applet


Reason: so that night flights near cities will look more like ORBX intended (when flying with ORBX Vector lights).




Just a suggestion.

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