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Installing 'add on' scenery - with FTXGlobal


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I've just downloaded, and installed "FTX Global" (and it's amazing)


After reading the the installation instructions in the forum - for re-install FS/x - I'm seeing what might be an issue.


The instructions are "Install Aus / NZ, etc and then set FTXCentral to FSX-DEFAULT" to install PNW, CRM, etc


(and set to FSX DEFAULT to add-on scenery)


Can you see where I'm going with this ?


There is NO longer an FSX-DEFAULT button in FTX Central.


Can you explain the 'new' procedures for installing, please ?


Thank you



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Afaik FTX Global is the new default!


BTW When reinstalling Orbx FTX addons, the best thing to do is install the regions and airports first and FTX Global last: FTXG will install the latest version of FTX Central while older regions etc. will overwrite the new version with an old on! Orbx is working on releasing completely new installers for all their addons that include the new FTX Central.

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Yeah the same experience I have also made


Yesterday I Installed FTXG on a pure new installation of FSX without backup the original FSX files. In FTX central only the FTXG-Button appears.


Then I flew a few laps over Germany and Norway, and it looked fantastic. Also, my frame rate was exellent, even at such frame rate-killers like EDDH of AS (what a great work of ORBX).


Now I would install all the other ORBX regions and airports and began with EU ENG. But after the installtion I have the old FSX Central with an Default-Button (no idea where it is coming again), two buttons of FTXG and one button of Europe.


I think now I have to remove the complete FSX installation and start again from the beginning  :-

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Yeah the same experience I have also made


Yesterday I Installed FTXG on a pure new installation of FSX without backup the original FSX files. In FTX central only the FTXG-Button appears.


Then I flew a few laps over Germany and Norway, and it looked fantastic. Also, my frame rate was exellent, even at such frame rate-killers like EDDH of AS (what a great work of ORBX).


Now I would install all the other ORBX regions and airports and began with EU ENG. But after the installtion I have the old FSX Central with an Default-Button (no idea where it is coming again), two buttons of FTXG and one button of Europe.


I think now I have to remove the complete FSX installation and start again from the beginning  :-


Hello Everyone!


Okay - so here is my experience:

I also did a complete new install and installed FTXGlobal first, then FTX PNW and so on - withthe result that FTX Central showed some weird behaviour - BUT(!):

No need to worry - at least as far as i can tell!

Please just finish all Your FTX installs - as You used to to before and only use the "old FSX default" icon within FTX Central if needed due the instal procedures - otherweise set it to:

North America, Pacific and Europe - and when all is done ...

simply run the installer of FTX Global again - no need to backup Your "default" textures though as You may have done so in first place.


Once this install is done, You will see, that FTX Central is on the latest build and FTX Global will be the new "FSX Default" so to speak.


If You should have two or more FTX Central shortcuts on Your desktop after all the installs, just delete all but one and all will be super fine - That's at least how i got it working.


Maybe FTX Global - at least for now - should be installed at last(!) and not at first, as obviously some of us thought.


There is also some info regarding this issue here:


Cheers, Christoph

P.S.: I hope my advice was helpful, but again - this was how i got it running - so only my personal experience so far.

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So every time we install a new FTX Region or Airport we have to reinstall FTX Global all over again?


For now, yes, but Orbx is working on new installers for their addons which will come with the new FTX Central. So it's a temporary problem only! Obviously new regions will come with the new Central (and the new night lighting system).

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Hello Christoph,

Many thanks for your review.

In the way you described, I can save some hours of work





You're welcome Manfred!

I am sure You will soon be able to enjoy FTX Global and all Your add-ons as intended!

Happy flyings and landings!

Cheers, Christoph


For now, yes, but Orbx is working on new installers for their addons which will come with the new FTX Central. So it's a temporary problem only! Obviously new regions will come with the new Central (and the new night lighting system).


Hi J van E!

Thank You very much for mentioning this here - i also read it somewhere in the forums here recently, but ... honestly:

I read that much regarding all the installs over the last 24hours and was really busy with my personal new install, that i did not figure out anymore where i exactly read this info :wacko::lol:

But i never doubted that ORBX would release a patch for this anyways rather sooner than later!

So for now: Thank You very much for the confirmation!

Cheers, Christoph


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Thanks for the replies..........all good information


How do I install a 3rd party Add On ? 


eg: Switzerland, or Austria Pro  that covers the entire country

or Aerosoft (other than a single airport) that covers a region

or VFR Germany, VFR France ?


Since we can no longer go to 'FS/x Default'  (which were the original instructions from ORBX)

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