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Diamond Point - way to remove the waves?


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Howdy all!! This is my first support post so I hope I have all the stuff in my sig correct and am in the right place! (if not just let me know what else I need to do)


 I have the Diamond Point add-on and am having some issues with the waves being just blocks of white.  


This could be because I'm using FEX for my water effects/colors or the FS Water Configurator I use for effect but, To be honest I really don't need the waves so if this can't be fixed for my system, is there a way to turn them off or take them out?


Thanks!! This is what I'm seeing:





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Hello Rob,


the shoreline surf at Diamond Point uses the default "wavecontroller.fx" file from the \Effects folder. It in turn calls the "fx_waves" effect file that requires two default textures, fx_swoosh.bmp, and fx_swoosh2.bmp, to display correctly. Those .bmp files are stored in the \Effects\texture folder and seem to either have gone missing from your system or got corrupted. Please check whether those files exist and that they both date from the year 2006. 


Cheers, Holger

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 Howdy Heiko and Holger, thank you both for your replies. 


To answer first, I am using DX9 and am using Flight Environment X for my water effects, not sure about the 1X setting, where would that one be? 


And second, I do have both the files fx_swoosh and fx_swoosh2 but they are both dated 6-15-2011, and you know what, that reminds me that I installed some goofy program that is supposed to enhance the effects of the water, something called "suppression effects", what I was looking for was better rotor wash effects. The files work but I can do without it. And I would bet that's what's goofing up my waves.


 I'll try removing the program but I fear that is did not back up anything it overwrote.


Thanks y'all, any further advice would be very much appreciated!!




Holger!!  Replacing the 2 fx files fixed it!! the wave effects now look normal.  I was able to find the 2 original files online and both were dated 2006!! you sir are a Genius!! 


 Now to find a good wave effect from my FEX that looks a little rougher, I hope that program didn't mess that up too!


thanks again guys!

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